Is This Discrimination?

vor 1 Jahr von misskissthiss7
1282 Ansichten 2 Antworten |
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vor 1 Jahr

A month ago I was at the casino on a $5 machine and won a $1200 handpay. The employees came out and congratulated me and I handed over my i.d. so that I could get the payout. I waited an unusually long time before the employee came back out with not one but two security staff one management. I signed the tax forms and was told I wasn't able to get the money at that time until i spoke with their attorney with gaming compliance. When I finally spoke with him he tells me I am banned because of a review of my background and criminal history which is totally irrelevant to the casino. Is this normal?

vor 1 Jahr

Really? In an American casino? Are you from the U.S.? Not that it matters, because it shouldnt, im just tryin to make sense of this. I have never heard of that before.

I would of raised a Sh#&$ storm right there inside the casino.

Im not sure what thats called but its definitely something....

I hope you get your money...Thats just wrong.

vor 1 Jahr

That's strange, but unfortunately for you, they can decide about who can play in their casino and who cannot. That's how it works in every single casino.

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