HomeForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenIch habe meinen Auszahlungsantrag gestellt und er wurde aufgrund technischer Probleme abgelehnt

Ich habe meinen Auszahlungsantrag gestellt und er wurde aufgrund technischer Probleme abgelehnt

 von valerianunezmas1999
2.906 Ansichten 8 Antworten |

Guten Abend, ich wollte schon seit einem Monat mein Geld von GGBET abheben und sie haben es zweimal abgelehnt, nachdem sie 15 Tage gewartet hatten. Der einzige Grund, den sie mir nennen, sind technische Probleme. Ich hoffe, dass die Lösung so bald wie möglich erfolgt

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
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In this case, I would not hesitate another second and submit a complaint!

Use this link and make it happen:


It is a free service you're not risking anything. Do you have any questions I can help you with, perhaps?

Wie wurdest du zweimal abgelehnt, Bruder? Das erklärt es etwas besser, in meinem Fall sind meine Abhebungen in Bearbeitung und das Geld ist noch nicht angekommen, aber es sind mehrere Tage vergangen, als sie mir sagten, dass es maximal 3 Tage seien. Und es ist mir wirklich langweilig, so lange zu warten. Ich hoffe, dass sie mich einzahlen und nie wieder zu gg.bet zurückkehren

Automatische Übersetzung

I suggest using the reply button. I assume your answer might go noticed.

Don't hesitate to keep us updated too, though. Just in case some sort of help would be needed.


Please give an update, I was thinking of joining that site and try betting on e-games that I used to play (DOTA 2, LOL, and Starcraft) but seeing this, it made me think twice


How about browsing the user reviews? We're getting hundreds of experiences monthly, I suggest browsing this section:


Another useful section is about complaints:


I would personally investigate both sources, it is probably not as direct as the forum can be, but I'm just trying to give you some clues.

Let me know what you make of it if you're in the mood.

How about browsing the user reviews? We're getting hundreds of experiences monthly, I suggest browsing this section:


Another useful section is about complaints:


I would personally investigate both sources, it is probably not as direct as the forum can be, but I'm just trying to give you some clues.

Let me know what you make of it if you're in the mood.

Thanks! I read the GGBet casino reviews, and that's really weird that it still has a "Good" rating, even though majority of recent reviews were bad. Either way, thanks for the heads up and I will continue reading. Oh and I guess I will steer clear of this site for now.


I get your point when you mention the disparity between our safety index and user reviews. It's sometimes hard to explain, but it's something we're focusing on right now. For example, we know about casinos that have a very good safety index, but poor user reviews. The bad reviews are based on a slow withdrawal process in the casino (according to what the reviews say). The withdrawal process speed is something we don't really consider in our reviews since we can't simply test it. (we could test one withdrawal, but we couldn't base our review on a single withdrawal experience). Some casinos are simply safe according to us, but the withdrawals can sometimes take ages 😕

I get your point when you mention the disparity between our safety index and user reviews. It's sometimes hard to explain, but it's something we're focusing on right now. For example, we know about casinos that have a very good safety index, but poor user reviews. The bad reviews are based on a slow withdrawal process in the casino (according to what the reviews say). The withdrawal process speed is something we don't really consider in our reviews since we can't simply test it. (we could test one withdrawal, but we couldn't base our review on a single withdrawal experience). Some casinos are simply safe according to us, but the withdrawals can sometimes take ages 😕

That's great to hear! That will give more credence to all ratings and will really help us decide easier

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