ForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 91)

vor 9 Monaten von kirekin
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vor 1 Monat

You don't need to worry. An investigation is always conducted. Such an investigation is necessary. It is these investigations that lead authorities and banks to take action. An investigation does not mean that you are a suspect; it is about understanding what happened and how it happened. 

Remember that we are suffering from gambling addiction, and these gambling companies exploit us because of it. They allow us to deposit money, but when it comes to withdrawals, they delay the process, citing minor rule violations. They demand an array of documents, all to exploit the customer's addiction and wait until the money is gambled away, only to then offer the customer a bonus to deposit even more money.

These casinos claim to offer a service. However, a service is not just letting customers waste their money on a slot machine. A service from a gambling company should include safe gambling practices, secure payments, and responsibility towards the customer's well-being, including their financial situation. 

I find it wonderful that the banks are finally taking notice. I encourage everyone to highlight these issues.

vor 1 Monat

same explanation as in previous messages I've seen being recommended in the thread! I mentioned that the transactions are illegal as it contains a merchant code that also bypasses blocks set on cards in relation to gambling transactions and I have not received any service from them.. has anyone else experienced this?? I need HELP!

vor 1 Monat

Ich warte GEDULDIG darauf, dass meine Bank mich kontaktiert ... Ich denke darüber nach, es selbst zu tun, bevor sie es tun. Solange Sie ehrlich waren, sollten Sie sich keine Sorgen machen. Sie können jetzt nicht auf Ihr Bankkonto zugreifen? Und haben Sie Dateien gesendet und die Unternehmen kontaktiert?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

The money that we have received from the casino, they can ask us to return it, just as we are asking for money for a service that we have not consumed, apart from the fact that they can report us for attempted fraud..

vor 1 Monat

Ich hoffe, dass es niemandem so schlecht geht, dass er eine Rückbuchung bei einem Casino veranlasst, welches die Gewinne dennoch ausgezahlt hat.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Well, saying that you havent received any service from them is not true If you have received the deposit into your casino account. They have acted as a payment processor/payment gateway to the casino. That is not illegal per se. So if the casino has received your payment, you have received their (the payment gateways) service. And by saying otherwise to your bank, you are attempting fraud (försök till bedrägeri).

Misclassification of MCC codes are, as I understand it, not illegal either. Yes it is against Mastercard and VISAs policies and terms, and can lead to suspension and fees imposed by VISA/Mastercard to the merchant. It is also in general skechy and if it would be thorougfully invested it often has connection to money laundering (which is illegal). But I doubt misclassification of MCC codes is an actual crime.

vor 1 Monat

Well, saying that you havent received any service from them is not true If you have received the deposit into your casino account. They have acted as a payment processor/payment gateway to the casino. That is not illegal per se. So if the casino has received your payment, you have received their (the payment gateways) service. And by saying otherwise to your bank, you are attempting fraud (försök till bedrägeri).

Misclassification of MCC codes are, as I understand it, not illegal either. Yes it is against Mastercard and VISAs policies and terms, and can lead to suspension and fees imposed by VISA/Mastercard to the merchant. It is also in general skechy and if it would be thorougfully invested it often has connection to money laundering (which is illegal). But I doubt misclassification of MCC codes is an actual crime.

vor 1 Monat

No, but doing so in order to bypass laws prohibiting illegal online gambling is illegal.

vor 1 Monat

Er meint wahrscheinlich, dass er keine Waren von ihnen gekauft hat. Und das stimmt.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Well, saying that you havent received any service from them is not true If you have received the deposit into your casino account. They have acted as a payment processor/payment gateway to the casino. That is not illegal per se. So if the casino has received your payment, you have received their (the payment gateways) service. And by saying otherwise to your bank, you are attempting fraud (försök till bedrägeri).

Misclassification of MCC codes are, as I understand it, not illegal either. Yes it is against Mastercard and VISAs policies and terms, and can lead to suspension and fees imposed by VISA/Mastercard to the merchant. It is also in general skechy and if it would be thorougfully invested it often has connection to money laundering (which is illegal). But I doubt misclassification of MCC codes is an actual crime.

vor 1 Monat

Ja, es ist illegal, als Drittpartei zu agieren, es sei denn, der Name des Hauptgeschäfts ist direkt vor oder nach der Drittpartei verbunden

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Es gibt also nichts, was ihr Verhalten entschuldigen könnte. Wenn das der Fall wäre, wäre der Händlercode für Spiele nicht gesperrt worden

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Yes -in the country of jurisdiction. But If the casino is not licensed in that country, it would be very hard to charge them with anything. Especially since 99,9% of all unlicensed casinos T&Cs state that it is the players responsibility to conduct to any local laws and regulations prohibiting gambling.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Monat
vor 1 Monat

no matter how you twist and turn it, it still looks like money laundering through the majority of these companies, maybe not all, but a large part.

vor 1 Monat

Das ist allerdings nicht das, was Sie sagen, wenn Sie eine Kreditkartenbeschwerde einreichen, weil Sie „keine Waren/Dienstleistungen erhalten" haben. Sie sagen damit, dass Sie das gekaufte Produkt oder die Dienstleistung nicht erhalten haben. Was leider der Fall ist, wenn Sie die Casino-Einzahlung erhalten haben.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

i have spoken with a solicitor on this.

Merchant Codes and Misrepresentation: The practice of using incorrect merchant codes to bypass blocks for gambling can be considered fraudulent or deceptive. This misrepresentation could violate both local laws and international regulations related to financial transactions and consumer protection.

You have to be honest with your bank, regardless how embarrassing it is, banks generally do not tolerate fraudulent practices. If you can demonstrate that the transactions were misrepresented, you may have a chance to recover your money through a chargeback process.

if you were made aware that you will be paying third parties which has incorrect codes, then you were privy to that information and still decided to conduct transactions with that risk, if you wasn’t made aware - then they’ve misrepresented it.

vor 1 Monat

Sie sagte bei der Bank: Wenn nicht alle Optionen enthalten sind, können Sie dies stattdessen in einer PDF-Datei erklären.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Dann kaufen Sie keinen Service „Rechtsdienstleistungen in Afrika", sondern es ist eine Casino-Einzahlung. Es geht nicht Hand in Hand, hehehe

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

Thank you for that clarification.

I see that you are from UK -can you please explain what "gambling blocks" refers too, formally? In Sweden we are not able to block ourselves via our Banks against gambling transactions, why I wonder if it would be considered the same here. It either isnt illegal to play at unlicensed casinos.

vor 1 Monat

Können Sie angeben, gegen welches Gesetz/welchen Paragraphen sie verstoßen? Das wäre großartig, wenn Sie Recht haben.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Monat

In the end, at least in my case, I have been given the OK to carry out these transactions.

And what they are trying to do is a fraud because we have received that money from the casino. I am not on one side or the other but I am afraid that the casino will make me return the money that I have received from them just as I ask the merchant to return it to me.

vor 1 Monat

Hast du Angst ?

Automatische Übersetzung
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