ForumDiskussionen über BeschwerdenBlackjack-Cheat-Manipulation


vor 5 Monaten von Tarzan92
992 Ansichten 7 Antworten |
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vor 5 Monaten


Ich habe Blackjack gespielt. In einem Online-Casino habe ich Geld gesetzt, wobei der Mindesteinsatz 250 SEK betrug. Dann kam ein Spieler herein, der 50 SEK setzte, und ich habe viel Geld verloren. Daher vermute ich, dass es das Casino sein könnte, das das Spiel manipuliert.

Hat jemand etwas Ähnliches erlebt und welche Maßnahmen wurden ergriffen?

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 5 Monaten

Hi can I know which casino you are talking about ? 

As for what you described, do you have a screenshot ? You mean you wouldn't lose much money if the minimum bet was lower and the player who came there could make it ? So you feel that the casino applied some strategy to you to make you lose more ? 

Let me know.

vor 5 Monaten


I bet 10k att the time and he bet 50 and the minimum bet is 250 i dont have a screenshot but i called them and they said that evrything is recorded and they have the video recordings

vor 5 Monaten

Do you have access to the video recordings? 😉

Obviously I'd like to know what casino it is please. 

vor 5 Monaten

Acctualy i dont have any access the name of the casino is luckycasino

vor 5 Monaten

I'm sorry. Could you help me understand how the casino cheated you or the other player? Frankly, I can't figure that out.

Thank you.

vor 5 Monaten

I came in to a table with a minimum limit of 250 and i placed my bet then before seconds of the deal a player bet 50 and his bet got accepted

vor 5 Monaten

Okay, and how does this mean you were scammed, please? It could be just a simple error, and actually, it does not concern you, I'd say. I understand you probably feel backward, but consider that you were willingly playing at a table where 250 NOK was a minimum. If you see that as a high sum, change the table.

Was this just an isolated case? One way or another, I still believe this is not a way to cheat players. 🤔

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