Christmas high roller bonus 2021

vor 2 Jahren von danoerb
2657 Ansichten 1 Antwort |
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vor 2 Jahren

Just out of curiosity;

this is more a "High roller" discussion maybe, and forgive me if there is a similar one, but I am curious of what the different casino´´´. s are giving away to their loyal customers. So;

  1. Which 3 casino´´ s are your favorite ones and/or the one you are most loyal to?
  2. Roughly annual amount of deposits and turnover in 2021?
  3. What did you receive as a little Christmas present as a token of appreciation of your loyalty to them?

vor 2 Jahren

Hello, these are very interesting questions and I hope you will get some answers. I found something related here 🙂

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 2 Jahren

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