ForumAllgemeine Diskussionen über das GlücksspielWhat is your go to slot/game when u having a loosing streak?

What is your go to slot/game when u having a loosing streak? (Seite 2)

vor 1 Jahr von HellisBre
7462 Ansichten 56 Antworten |
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vor 1 Jahr

Hallo Qukuuuuuu,

wenn es so schwer fällt aufzuhören, haben Sie schon mal überlegt, sich Unterstützung zu holen?

Meine KollegInnen und ich sind erfahrene SuchtberaterInnen und bieten kostenlose und anonyme Beratung an.

Viele Grüße!


vor 1 Jahr

Hello Anita, it's great to have you here on the forum. We have a special type of a forum account for professionals who are related to problem gambling, social work, addiction centres etc.

The account is the same as for everyone else, but it officially shows that you're someone who can provide a professional help and direct players to places where they can get the help. Should I change the account for you?

vor 1 Jahr

Hallo Daniel,

danke, ja, das wäre sehr freundlich!

Viele Grüße!

vor 1 Jahr

Hi Anita, that's wonderful.

I changed your status just a few moments ago, and I'm personally very happy to have you here. 🌟

Your help is much appreciated.

Have a great day! 🙂

vor 1 Jahr

Do we have some official data or statistics about gambling problems in 22/23?

I mean, due to tough regulations, lower RTP and rise in responsible gambling awareness, it should be better by now? But is it?

vor 1 Jahr


I would try asking our Safer-Gambling Lead - Šimon. Sadly, he's out of the office.

I dare to say, that there is no general answer which can fully satisfy your question mainly to the severe differences in legislation, regulations, licenses, and market specifics.

There are quite different conditions for casinos in almost every country worldwide.

Let's try to find annual statistics, reports, and other articles available online.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Jahr
vor 1 Jahr

Ehm nein, ich bin selber life coach

vor 1 Jahr

Hello there.

Sound interesting? You teach people how to "live", I guess.

Any advice for players struggling with the weak will to resist addiction?

vor 1 Jahr

Es gibt da zahlreiche Ratschläge und Hilfen die meiner Meinung nach nicht sehr hilfreich sind...ich selber habe auch keine Büchse der Pandora geöffnet mit dem ultimativen Weg raus aus der spielsucht...Spielsucht wird oft unterschätzt. Glücksspiel kann dich innerhalb von wenigen Tagen komplett ruinieren ...das ist der harte weg raus....die andere möglichkeit ist das man auch mal Gewinnt oder sich auch kleine Gewinne auszahlen lässt um sich damit noch was zu essen zu kaufen und sonstiges und den Rest wieder investiert und so weiter macht...irgendwann kommt auch der erlösende Grosse Gewinn der alle Sorgen löst

vor 1 Jahr

I always stop playing otherwise I lose motivation and it makes me angry. After a short break, you can begin to analyze the situation why this happened

vor 1 Jahr

I believe the problem lies in the motivation to win all losses back. From my point of view, this is the first step to the long fall. I agree that in the end, it's up to the person who must fortify their will and fight on. I'm glad I have never gone so far.

From another point of view, those bigger wins can be more toxic than losing - bringing back hope that there is a way to win back lost deposits or win money to cover debts. It's a harsh topic, and I'm proud we put so much effort to change the industry standards and develop a consistent tool to help addicted players avoid danger.

vor 1 Jahr

Analyzing the game and its outcomes is handy. I'd say it helps keeping a touch with reality. No one should play angry - good point! 👍

vor 1 Jahr

It's a game of chance, don't take it too seriously... if you're losing and you're not enjoying it, it's a sign to take a break

vor 1 Jahr

It's a game of chance, don't take it too seriously... if you're losing and you're not enjoying it, it's a sign to take a break

vor 1 Jahr

Yeah, exactly. You can also play for free via some demo mode. Its almost everywhere right now.

vor 1 Jahr

Das macht aber kein Spaß 😀

Besser etwas Pause machen und wenn man soweit ist wieder normal Zocken 😀

vor 1 Jahr

You'd be surprised, but we have insane traffic in our free games section. Some people like to play for free. To be honest, I believe the free games are really useful if you want to find and test a lot of new games, but you don't want to spend money on it when you're not sure whether the game is good or not.

vor 1 Jahr

Von dieser Ansicht betrachtet hast du vollkommen recht!

Um spiele zu testen ist es super!!!

Aber auf Dauer ohne echtes Geld zu spielen wäre für mich nicht so reizvoll 😀

vor 1 Jahr

Sadly, many players feel free games are not as thrilling - well obviously - as the "real ones" so switching to free versions doesn't feed their appetite enough🙁...

vor 1 Jahr

Das kann ich aber nachvollziehen 🙂

Für einige ist es sicherlich amüsant aber für mich persönlich würde der Reiz fehlen 😀

Aber eine Alternative wäre es!

Vorallem für Spieler mit spiel Problemen.

Da könnte man spielen ohne Geld zu verlieren. 🙂

Hab einen schönen Tag liebe Radka 🫡🫶🏼

Ps: Viel Wasser trinken 😛 ❤️🕊🫡

vor 1 Jahr

Hi, there today!😎

I'm just wondering, have you found any working alternatives yourself? I mean, being addicted means fighting your own battle inside your head, so I'd say anything that makes you "distracted" should work. What do you think?

Don't worry - drinking like an old sailor today! 😉✨

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