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Twitch Slot Streamers

 von Whitelighter
14.757 Ansichten 19 Antworten |

Has anybody got any thoughts, opinions or theories about streamers?. Real money but is it there own money or are providers or casinos paying money into their Skrill account to play their games. 1 streamer did a 130k bonus hunt and had 33k viewers. Others just casually deposit 1k-4k on a daily basis.


Many streamers get free spins and money from casinos. It's a good promo for them. Speaking about streamers, do you know Casinogrounds? https://casinogrounds.com/


Yes I have seen it.

Hello! I want to know your opinion about streamers. How do you feel about them? Do you watch their content? I have recently came across an article. Pretty interesting young people. They have built a career and are engaged in a favorite business. It is worthy of respect


If you can earn enough money for a decent life just by making streams for other people, then why not. Most of people who tried this failed so if you manage to build your own audience that supports you even financially, then you deserve the respect.

Check these guys out. They are new to streaming slots playing with their own money. They are great fun and have the best community chat on twitch. If you like watching slots and chatting then come and join in. They stream everyday usually from 7pm BST


Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Hi zusammen! Freut mich, dass dieses Thema auch noch andere interessiert. Meiner Meinung nach ist die Fragwürdigkeit des jeweiligen Streamers davon abhängig auf welchem Portal und für welche Zielgruppe er streamt. Über Casinogrounds/Twitch für eine volljährige Community zu streamen finde ich absolut in Ordnung! Was aber wirklich gar nicht geht und meiner Meinung nach jedem Erwachsenen Verstand widerspricht sind Streamer, die ohne Altersbeschränkung auf Portalen wie z.B. Youtube streamen und eine zum Großteil Minderjährige Community zum Spielen animieren. Wie seht ihr das?


I'd say everything related to gambling should be promoted only to adults. I'm not really sure about the rules for gambling on YouTube, but since there are many different restrictions on YouTube, I believe that if someone reports such streaming, the author could get into issues with YouTube.

I personally like Casinogrounds, because the whole website has only one reason: to stream gambling. So the audience isn't surprised when they watch someone spending money on slots, but YouTube and even Twitch are different story. Twitch is mainly for streaming games (computer, PS4, Xbox), not casino games.

Has anybody got any thoughts, opinions or theories about streamers?. Real money but is it there own money or are providers or casinos paying money into their Skrill account to play their games. 1 streamer did a 130k bonus hunt and had 33k viewers. Others just casually deposit 1k-4k on a daily basis.

They get an account with deposit money from the casino but without withdraw option. Play as much as you can but NO withdraw : ) same in youtube. i used to have such youtube channel

Ich finde halt echt, dass solcher Content in nicht dafür gekennzeichneten Plattformen mit FSK belegt werden sollte, allein um die ganze Gambling-Industrie mehr in die Schiene Unterhaltung als "Halb-Legal" oder "verrucht" zu schieben. Dies ist Unterhaltung für Erwachsene, man zeigt ja auch keine Porn-Clips auf YT... diese Zeiten werden aber bestimmt noch kommen. Regt mich nur auf dass gewisse Leute damit die Kiddies beeinflussen. Naja, abgesehen vom moralischen Aspekt soll es mir egal sein ich schau mir für Unterhaltung Casinogrounds an 🙂!


The YouTube rules are very strange for different aspects. I know channels that have been closed or demonetised for "nothing", on the other hand, people are allowed to show there casino games to anyone. I'm not sure what to think about it...

Do you watch any casino streamer on YouTube?

Ich habe immer Roulette in verschiedenen Live-Casinos in der Schweiz gespielt, besonders in Lugano und Campione. Ich frage mich, wie nützlich es sein kann, Casino-Streamer zu sehen. Ich kümmere mich nicht um meinen persönlichen Geschmack und finde ihn nicht rentabel. Eine Meinung, die mich dazu bringt, meine Meinung zu ändern, ist natürlich willkommen. Ich bin der Meinung, dass Zeit auch Geld ist und ich bevorzuge es, damit neue Strategien zu studieren oder in einigen Fällen Bücher zu lesen. Seit ich auf https://roulette77.it/ spiele, habe ich mich sehr verbessert, insbesondere meine Selbstkontrolle. Wir werden Roulette niemals mathematisch besiegen können. Vergessen Sie es, aber wir können die Zufriedenheit mit vielen kleinen Tricks wegnehmen.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
Automatische Übersetzung

Have you heard about casinogrounds.com? It's a platform created specifically for casino streamers.

Hallo ... Guten Abend Alania ... Ich habe seit ein paar Tagen einen neuen Kanal mit Highlights erstellt, hauptsächlich von roshtein ... wenn du einen Subribe machen willst ... Ich habe einige Arbeiten für diese Videos gemacht ... und erzähle mir deine Meinung !!!

Vielen Dank


Automatische Übersetzung

Hallo! Ich bin daran interessiert, gute Slots-Streamer wie DiceGirl Egle zu finden, eine Slots-Expertin auf Twitch, und sie ist großartig! Slotshub und Syztmz sind auch einen Besuch wert, falls Sie sich für Slots-Spiele interessieren. Haben Sie gute Streamer-Empfehlungen? Ich wäre für diese Informationen sehr dankbar. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag! :)

Automatische Übersetzung

Hello, I know of slot streamers only Rohstein. Does that sound familiar? Regarding the streamer you are writing about, I know that someone mentioned her name here in the past, so that reminds me, but I still haven't gotten around to checking her out.

What fascinates you about her? 

Anyone tried the new live dealer games? Thinking of giving them a shot.

Hello Everyone! 👋

Lately, streamers in the online casino world have been drawing a lot of attention, but they’ve also been facing criticism—especially when it comes to big wins, which some claim are fake.

As representatives of a casino, we believe the rise of well-known online casino streamers has brought significant growth to the industry, with many being paid exceptionally well. However, there’s an argument to be made that some might be a bit overvalued.

There are many streamers asking for substantial fees to stream, but their actual results often fall short of expectations. When it comes to the topic of streamers' big wins, it’s a delicate matter.

For example, in our case at Vivadice, since our launch on August 29th, 2024, the current RTP on Pragmatic Play games is around 106% as of the time I’m writing this. While it might not sound typical, that’s simply the reality.

We believe that large companies running online casinos sometimes provide streamers with massive "fake balances" to play with. When these streamers buy bonuses worth $200k–$300k, it’s almost expected that they’ll hit big wins. 🎰

At Vivadice, we’re not heavily focused on streamers at the moment. They are often too costly, and from our perspective, the process can be a bit questionable. For example, we provide our streamers only with discounts from game providers and platform fees, but we still cover their balance. In contrast, we believe some major casinos might not actually pay for those balances, which raises questions—especially when a single streamer is playing with a $1M balance. That does seem a bit unusual. 😊

What do you all think about this? Are streamers worth the hype, or is it all just a big show? Let’s discuss! 🎲

Vivadice Casino

Hello there.

Thank you very much for your contribution to this topic. I can see that you have an interest in our forum, which is really nice of you.


Hi Romi,

You're welcome! We enjoy discussing with others what's happening in the industry, and we'll do our best to stay as active as possible on your forum. :)

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