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dont play in ninewin

vor 2 Monaten von ebalogh725
569 Ansichten 4 Antworten |
vor 2 Monaten

everyone how like to play in ninewine dont acept any bonus waighering is way to big and dont play from uk they dont payd you becuse they dont alow uk players however i win 830 they pay me out but i was wait 14 they they was try everyhing ask my pasport when i was alredy verfyd ask my bank statelment ( and midle of that they cancel the transaction ) they reject my whitdrewal 6times total after finaly pay me but plsif you want game just not here found big companys

vor 2 Monaten

I hate such operators, they are trying to pass the time to find solution how block withdraw. Thank for info I won't play.

vor 2 Monaten

update same desing same website diferent name R2PBET they make marketing as best uk casino and term condition says uk player not alowed filefile

vor 2 Monaten

99% der Casinos tun dies, und niemand macht etwas dagegen... traurig, aber wahr!

Ebenso die ***, dass man Auszahlungen stornieren kann... WOFÜR? Denn offensichtlich will man das Geld haben!

Aber klar - die Hoffnung des Casinos, dass man es sich anders überlegt, ist groß, und oft klappt es, und man verspielt seinen Gewinn wieder!

vor 2 Monaten

I completely agree with you, it's just absurd. I understand that black money is dangerous and should be controlled, but actually these rules are not to detect black money, only to keep more profits for the casino, I don't think anyone in history will file a case for black money deposited to us, unable to prove the income and hand it over to the state, because of that I like no kyc casinos, I see more fair approaches to them

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