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Screenshots der Gewinne. Sieges-Screenshots. (Seite 17)

 von Djamil
366.851 Ansichten 1.152 Antworten |
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Mindesteinsatz pro Linie.

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My friend hit this 😀 It's from a Georgian casino and in USD it's about $34k which is still damn good!

Wish all of you players here 100x of this!

Now that's a perfect win. I hope it will continue to do well. Good luck. 🙂

How does this screenshot of the winning work?


Hey. What specifically would you like to know ? Can't you upload a screenshot ? 

If so, there is a button at the top of this page - Add screenshot. There you select whatever is needed and add it. 

I pray to the Multiplier gods for a ×500 next time.

Still nothing to complain about.

36 red

Bet $10 × 50 = 500


Not long after



Well, you're pretty lucky if I'm honest. Keep it up. 😊😁


I have my moment's. I still need to learn when to walk away. If only I could consistently practice walking away when I've had a few good wins.


This is very important. But I know that players are always tempted to keep playing when they win a bigger win. But most of the time it just goes downhill after that. We all learn in our lifetime and I believe that you can do it too and one day you will come here with the fact that you won and you had no problem to withdraw and walk away. 


file Bruder, ich habe auch 20 BGN gewonnen, ich habe sie 20 Mal gewürfelt und ich habe 260 BGN, aber sie lassen mich nicht spielen. Wie sieht es bei Ihnen mit dem Download aus?

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
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Hi, you have a problem with withdrawing money, do I understand correctly ? Let me know so I can try to help you. 


Nein das ist es nicht . In diesem Fall geht es darum, einen Gewinn aus einem anfänglichen Bonus ohne Einzahlung von 20 BGN zu erzielen, wobei die Spielregel das 20-fache des Bonusbetrags war, wonach die Mittel automatisch im Barguthaben berücksichtigt werden mussten. In den Regeln gab es keine spezifischen Spielautomaten oder Höchsteinsätze, aber selbst wenn es welche gab, habe ich keinen höheren Einsatz als 1 BGN getätigt. Das Casino ist Magicbet Bulgarian, es ist veraltet

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Sure, so it's good that you don't have a problem , because I was worried for a moment. Have you tried contacting support regarding this situation? 

Ich warte immer noch auf eine Antwort

Automatische Übersetzung

Okay so when you get it can you let us know what they said ? 

filefilefilefileAll these are from bonus buy feature, I did lost a lot then only have the comeback. Guess what, I lost all my winning at RIP tomestone, and True Grit Redemption bonus buy...very sad.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Oh well, that's too bad, I think I answered this in another thread. 

Anyway, nice winnings you got. I can't even imagine losing that. Someone is lucky like that once in a lifetime. 🙁


not really lucky, can be lucky but not too lucky, as I said all these winning is come back winning, meaning I have lost a lot the only got this big win. So....you see I got big win but didn't see I got bad bonus buy.... imagine bought 3k bonus buy and get only 80 in return.....this is very bad bonus buy. So, this is fact....


Sie haben Glück, Sie wissen einfach nicht, wann Sie aufhören sollen, wenn Sie die Gewinne haben.

Automatische Übersetzung

well... it's progressive winning....from few k to 10k, then next will be max win. I been to many cycle before. But I can tell you is, you can win like me, but you will expecting to lose first.... it's hardly to win big first. very rare. they are actually calculating base on your turnover. it's not random. I got many good spins in some bonus buy, but got dead spin for the last 10 spins.I don't thinks its normal. so I will say it's not random....

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