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Points builder totting up

 von fionaway302
2.744 Ansichten 6 Antworten |

Is it possible to play using two player reward cards and bet black on one card and black on the other enabling points to be accumulated??


I'm sorry, but what kind of player reward cards are you talking about? Are they physical cards that you received from an online casino?

The reward card that the casino gives you free. You get paid points when losing?? the met card!!

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

uhm, sort of a cashback bonus code perhaps? 🙂

fileThis is the player rewards card points are added as you lose!!



So back to your original question:

"Is it possible to play using two player reward cards and bet black on one card and black on the other enabling points to be accumulated??"

I would start with the terms and rules applied to this card, I'm sure something was mentioned in the letter containing this card. To be sure entirely, I would also ask in the casino.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

So you want to get a guaranteed profit colluding with someone else? While this is sort of possible (depending on the cashback or rebate %), it's too easy to detect, don't you think it would be suspicious two people playing in the same table doing the exact same bet sizes on opposing outcomes? You will get banned, your money will get confiscated and probably other casinos will be notified, not worth it if you ask me, it would be like picking pennies in front of a steamroller, your profits won't make up to the losses you will have when the casino finds out. I'm pretty sure they have T&C for said card in which they probably state any sort of abuse would lead to a ban. There is no way to make a guaranteed profit from casinos, there are ways of improving your chances of coming out on top, but a guaranteed profit without the risk of a ban and confiscated funds? Not so much. It's general knowledge (or at least it should be) collusion is strictly forbidden in both online and land-based casinos, so be careful

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