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 von Mlamlamla
1.561 Ansichten 8 Antworten |

weil es keine Transparenz darüber gibt, wie viel Geld das Casino verdient und wie viel es an die Kunden ausgezahlt hat, warum es keine Transparenz hinsichtlich der Scheckdaten mit den Namen der Personen gibt, die die Schecks ausgestellt haben, warum ich 15 Mal verloren und nur einmal gewonnen habe.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
Automatische Übersetzung

Well, that's sad news, but maybe you just had a bad run. If you think you're just losing, it's better if you don't run in the casino so you don't lose unnecessarily. 

If you would like to see some information on how slots work, we have written a pretty good guide on that, check it out- How slots work

Here you can find out a bit more and therefore important information. 

I hope you will do better in the future. 


für Transparenz Muga, du antwortest nicht, weil es für dich Science-Fiction bedeutet

Bearbeitet von Romi
Gründe: Just made the link passive.
Automatische Übersetzung

Well, that's sad news, but maybe you just had a bad run. If you think you're just losing, it's better if you don't run in the casino so you don't lose unnecessarily. 

If you would like to see some information on how slots work, we have written a pretty good guide on that, check it out- How slots work

Here you can find out a bit more and therefore important information. 

I hope you will do better in the future. 

hallo, ich verdiene in Online-Casinos durchschnittlich 700 $ pro Tag und würde daher gerne wissen, welches das beste Casino ist, das mich nicht sperrt, wenn ich so viel verdiene.

Automatische Übersetzung

für Transparenz Muga, du antwortest nicht, weil es für dich Science-Fiction bedeutet

Automatische Übersetzung

Are you discussing such a sensitive topic with yourself? Aside from that, do you think the tread's name is appropriate? Because of its extremely obscure name, I think the majority of players will pass on this one. In any case, it's important to know that casinos always wins.

I honestly do not fully understand what you suggest for checking. When compared to the losses of players, how much does a casino make? In theory, this kind of counting would not reflect your fear of losing because, in terms of economics, all casinos must cover a significant number of fixed expenses. Similar reasoning states that a player's losses are not the casino's profits.

I certainly look forward to hearing more details regarding this topic.

hallo, ich verdiene in Online-Casinos durchschnittlich 700 $ pro Tag und würde daher gerne wissen, welches das beste Casino ist, das mich nicht sperrt, wenn ich so viel verdiene.

Automatische Übersetzung

Hi there.

It's almost hard to believe that. You are not interested in slots, I reckon. Rather, blackjack or poker, perhaps.

Anyway, putting your estimated winnings ir relation with possibly approved withdrawals is not the best shot. These relevances are incomparable, let me explain why:

Any casino may reject withdrawals on many occasions. As far as I can tell, at least for decent and honest casinos, the withdrawal amount is not among them.

As long as you stick with the rules and withdrawal limits (especially high-rollers should focus on the maximum withdrawable limits), you should be okay.

You actually caught my interest. May I know how you maintain such steady wins? Also, how much do you need to deposit, or are we talking about clean profit?


Could you help me understand how this is possible? I'm eager to learn. 🙂


Ich zahle etwa 500 $ ein und mache einen Nettogewinn von 700 $, ohne meine Einzahlung mit einzurechnen. Ich setze meinen Gewinn auf 700 $, um nicht so schnell gesperrt zu werden. Ansonsten könnte ich 10.000 $ pro Tag verdienen, wenn ich möchte. Aber das mache ich nicht, weil das ihre Aufmerksamkeit schneller auf sich ziehen würde und ich nicht beschuldigt werden möchte, das System auszunutzen, wenn ich eine gute Strategie verwende. Ich hätte wirklich gerne, dass Sie mir ein Casino empfehlen, bei dem ich meine Gewinne problemlos abheben kann.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser
Automatische Übersetzung

And may I ask what kind of games you play?

It is hard to find a particular casino for you, to tell you the truth. You can try this link, where you can find casinos recommended by us available in your country. In all the reviews, you will find relevant information about the casinos, and you can also find the user reviews, which are a very nice source of information. You will also be able to find out a lot of interesting posts in the discussions of each casino.

Let us know whether it was helpful and if you found some good and safe casinos for you.

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