HomeForumAllgemeine Diskussionen über das GlücksspielProblem With Spam E-Mails

Problem With Spam E-Mails

 von Whitelighter
12.291 Ansichten 24 Antworten |
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I recently joined 2 casinos (igames and videoslots) and the minute after registering my email address I started to to get spam emails. Do casinos send your email automatically somewhere or are they associates attached to these casinos. Should this really be allowed?. Has anybody else had this problem?.  What inventive ways do  you deal with them.


Have you received emails from the casinos or 3rd party? Are you sure you haven't agreed with receiving promo materials and providing your email address to 3rd party companies during the registration process?


I guess from 3rd party and I unticked every box available

Every casino send spam emails. EVERY. That's why i have one email just for casinos


Ya i do see them all the time


Ich glaube, ich verstehe Ihren Fall, das gleiche passiert mir.

Ich erhalte Werbe-E-Mails von Casinos, in denen ich kein Kunde bin.

Obwohl ich normalerweise die Werbe-E-Mail-Optionen, bei denen ich mich registriere, als Marke bezeichne, weil sie die Klarstellung haben, dass sie sich nur auf E-Mails von dem Casino beziehen, in dem ich mich registriere, nicht von anderen.

Automatische Übersetzung

I only participate in very few casinos and always send me a lot of spam. Sometimes they are like a clickbait banner haha


I usually put them as read without opening their content and report them to receive no more spam, but the curious thing is that later I got the same advertising from another mail, it’s like an eternal fight with advertising thing.

I delete all emails that are advertising, it is easy


I think we should use a third party spam filter, it's the best option 


I delete them but they keep coming back to me 

Es ist eigentlich gut, eine exklusive E-Mail nur für Casinos zu haben, wie die obige Person sagt, ich mache das und ich bin nicht wirklich daran interessiert, dass sie mit Spam gefüllt wird, da sie nur dafür exklusiv ist, denn wenn Sie eine abonnieren, die Sie kennen dass sie Ihnen täglich Informationen senden. Ich rate Ihnen, dies zu tun, und Sie werden feststellen, dass Sie nicht so oft Probleme haben und E-Mails bemerken.

Automatische Übersetzung

I read all the e-mails and then erase the ones I’m not interested in

As I've always said, casino spams are very annoying, so it's best to get an exclusive email to register at casinos so you don't interrupt your daily emails


In den meisten Fällen können Sie jedoch Angebote per E-Mail aktivieren oder deaktivieren.

Automatische Übersetzung

The offers from the casino are switched off. It is the 3rd party spammers that pick up your email is the problem. They are the ones that bombard you with spam nothing to do with casinos.


Ja, das stimmt.

Das passiert mir sehr oft.

Es ist unvermeidlich, wie es mir scheint. Wenn wir ein Casino abonnieren, wissen wir nicht, wohin unsere Daten gehen.

Automatische Übersetzung

One technique which I learned is to use different email addresses for each registration, so I can see how my data are "traveling". It is very easy to have multiple addresses if you are using gmail. Just add + after your name and add name of the website you are signing up. This will come to your inbox anyway. For example joe.doe+casino888@gmail.com or joe.doe+1xbet@gmail.com will both end up in joe.doe@gmail.com inbox. This will not prevent you against spam but you can easily filter and delete them.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Me personally I don't like getting spam emails so I delete them as soon as I can. If you have a gmail account, you can change the settings on where your spam email goes


@KiyaKina can you tell me some of the 3rd party spam filters you have an experience with? I have never used it and I want to try.

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