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Verification Account Problem

vor 1 Jahr von mohamkreker
2.566 Ansichten 8 Antworten |
vor 1 Jahr

I'm hoping someone can provide a response. My friend possesses a Russian passport that is now past its expiration date. Nonetheless, he told me that his passport had been extended by three years. What does he need to offer to get authenticated given that the system at one of the gambling sites continues rejecting his document?

vor 1 Jahr

I guess he needs to create a new passport, it seems the easiest way to avoid future complications.

Anyway, your friend should ask the casino too to get a suggestion. What do you think? 🤔

vor 1 Jahr

They told that, they need an ID with expiration date and seems it's hard for him to get one again since he's living from Russia. He mentioned that, they are privilege to have extended of expiration from his passport because of the war. If he will not get verified from that casino, it is possible as well that he will not be verified from other casino.

vor 1 Jahr


So, this is an exceptional situation. The problem is that casinos usually list the necessary documents in the terms + add a note saying something like "We reserve the right to ask for additional documents if necessary".

Every casino approaches the KYC verification differently, so no one can assure you once he passes this specific verification he's ok for good.

The ID is an essential document, he should provide it when asked. The passport is more complicated, well what would you say being on the casino's side? Once it's expired, the casino simply sees that as no longer valid.

Did your friend get any official written statement explaining the prolonged validity? Should provide that to the casino.

vor 1 Jahr

I have asked him, unfortunately no supporting documents. Even mentioned that, he should have one.

vor 1 Jahr

Maybe your friend should join this conversation too.

Every problem has a solution, it just needs to be discussed properly.

vor 1 Jahr

Will ask him to join here. Thanks!

vor 1 Jahr

I truly think this is the best solution for now. 🙂

vor 1 Jahr

Hallo, normalerweise verlangen Casinos irgendeine Art von Anforderung, seien es Kontoauszüge oder Ausweisdokumente oder andere Dokumente. In diesem Fall sollten Sie aufgrund des Problems, das Ihr Freund aufgrund des Krieges in Russland hat, zur Botschaft gehen und nach einem Dokument fragen oder Nachweise, die die Situation und die Verlängerung des Reisepasses Ihres Freundes bescheinigen, damit könnten Sie diese Belege bereits einsenden, damit das Casino die Überprüfung durchführen kann, wenn Sie außerdem noch einen Führerschein oder eine andere Berechtigung hatten Dokument, es wäre sehr hilfreich. Grüße.

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