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Mieseste Erfahrung bisher

vor 2 Jahren von marioara
3.796 Ansichten 1 Antwort |
vor 2 Jahren

Drückglück Casino. The mobile site was complicated to navigate. They must be stoned building it. Lot's of pop-ups advertising bonus or specials even you were reading about the special offer on its page a Pop Up appeared about it. And they had this wired relationship with Merkur. There was even a extra button for accessing just the glorious Merkur games. I never made a deposit. I wanted to close my account but the option wasn't there. In the live support was also nobody. I wrote a email and they came back with " Are you sure". Yes no break for a week or month. "You need to send this and that to this email......." They had all the information already in my account. Some 3 months later I got an email from the casino with an offer. Why would they send it when I don't have an account there. I had a bad feeling and clicked on it . Straight through login like I never left. My account was still active. It took a total of 11 months and a very angry email to get this account closed.

vor 2 Jahren

Well, that's not a pretty good review if I may say... 🤔

Can you confirm that it's this DrueckGlueck Casino, please?

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