ForumAllgemeine Diskussionen über das GlücksspielDo gaming providers know your play from casino to casino?

Do gaming providers know your play from casino to casino?

vor 1 Woche von gazvet2014
397 Ansichten 1 Antwort |
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vor 1 Woche

Hi guys,

This might be a really stupid question but here it is, I would like to know if I'm playing for example "coin strike" by Playson at one casino, then log out and go to another casino and play the same game does the game provider (or the game) pick up the game where you left off from the 1st casino? Does it recognise it's you?.

I noticed with the game Aviator, it doesn't matter what casino I play at I see the same players?.

I'm new to playing & unsure of how the whole thing works.

vor 1 Woche

Hey there! It is a fascinating question!

In my opinion, understanding how slots work technically, might help you answer possible questions. We created a guide dedicated especially to these mechanics, check it out here 👈



That means that the system remains the same regardless of where you play. It is my understanding that both game providers and casinos have the ability to track your sessions in order to identify you or our ID. When you add your casino details, you can be identified, but in most cases, IP is a good place to start.

Just so you know, when a player hits a big jackpot or wins a lot of money, the casino will typically ask the game provider to verify the winnings by looking through the game log.

I hope I covered the basics 🙂, feel free to ask further. I'll share what I know.

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