Is This Possible ?

vor 9 Monaten von lazyaa
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vor 9 Monaten

Is something like this possible?! A friend of mine sent me a Stake link yesterday. He was boasting that he somehow got it from the Darknet and that there are some manipulated codes or something like that going on lately. My friend tends to believe everything he sees...

I was highly skeptical since I rarely play online casinos, and the link seemed to be just an affiliate link. Nevertheless we give it a try…

I deposited €50 and ended up winning €700... Two other colleagues had the same luck and each won around €1000. It took a bit longer for one of them, but they also hit the jackpot. I have no idea if it was just luck (as I still suspect) or if something like this is really possible.

This is the Link :

but Idk if we are only really lucky

Post von lazyaa Bearbeitet von Radka
Gründe: Affiliate links are forbidden especially, the suspicious ones.
vor 9 Monaten

I will try it again today maybe it works again hahaha

vor 9 Monaten

That's weird. I've never heard of anything like it. I don't know if I'd exactly believe that he got the link and the manipulated codes over the darknet. It all sounds suspicious to me.

As for your win, do you have a screenshot, since it's quite a lot ?

Regarding the jackpot, on what game did your friend succeed ? 

Have you managed to play today ? Was your second attempt as successful as the first ? 

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