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Illegal Gambling in Germany ?! (Seite 2)

 von rad234
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Sidenote on this, I do agree many things are really weird in this case, however GDPR doesn't prevent authorities to request some personal data from a website for legitimate legal reasons (+ it is data sharing inside the EU, even less legal obstacles)


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Hey there!

Thanks for getting me an insight, though I understand the portion of the responsibility is in the hands of players (it is the same for alcohol and other similar topic in my books), it is better to know how things work - or should I say, doesn't currently work? - at the moment in Germany.

Thank you for that, and if I may, keep Daniel's opinion in mind. I would do that.

Let's hope you won't be "harassed" further. I'm still quite shocked, to be honest. 🤦‍♀️

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Sidenote on this, I do agree many things are really weird in this case, however GDPR doesn't prevent authorities to request some personal data from a website for legitimate legal reasons (+ it is data sharing inside the EU, even less legal obstacles)

I feel you might be right. The way I see it, the main point still lies in proving the player acted against the law willingly. How would you guess the GGL will approach that?

I mean, without a piece of reasonable evidence there is no case, right?


Yep, that's why I still don't understand everything - no idea how they can track down players ahah

But if they got some kind of evidence, that's greenlight for them.


I don't believe that they could successfully charge you with any offence based on an anonymous (=unverified) report provided to GGL.

Honestly, when I'm reading this from you, I have a strong feeling that GGL just tries to discover some new waters and they are trying to set the playing field since the gambling regulations are still a new concept in Germany. You've been unlucky since they targeted you for their experiment.

You sound like a reasonable person so I hope you'll manage to resolve it successfully and possibly set a new precedent for other German citizens.

There are companies that help players to get refunds from unlicensed casinos. I'm sure you must have them in Germany as well. If I was looking for a lawyer, I'd probably start with those companies since you really need someone who knows a lot about the new gambling related legislation.

Für den Datenaustausch innerhalb der EU gibt es noch weniger rechtliche Hürden

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