I want to win big

vor 6 Monaten von coetzeeronaldo038
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vor 6 Monaten

I want to win the game

vor 6 Monaten

I'm afraid everybody wants to win. That's why people mostly play online casino games. The truth is that only a few win and others mostly lose. That's why casinos are profitable, but players aren't from the long-term perspective.

vor 6 Monaten

You make a valid point. It's important to approach casino games with caution and understanding the odds. Luck can be fickle in these games.

vor 6 Monaten

Winning is the goal for most, but remember, in games of chance like casinos, the odds are typically against us. It's all about having fun and being responsible. Good luck!!

vor 5 Monaten

Spaß macht das Spiel nur in einer Gewinn-Strähne, aber wenn man verliert, bekommst einen Schnupfen und das kalte🤮😁

vor 5 Monaten

Well, winning streaks are great, but I've got a pretty good immune system for those 'cold' moments too! 😉👍

vor 5 Monaten

Then what do you do during those cold moments? Do you just continue playing or do you stop for a while? Change the game etc.?

vor 5 Monaten

Man muss natürlich aufhören und wenn's ganz schlimm kommt, nach einer Pause, wieder von vorne anfangen. Ist zwar frustrierend, aber so ist das Spiel.

vor 5 Monaten

👍das Immunsystem macht's 👍

vor 5 Monaten

I adapt quicker than winter weather. Mix it up, master the chill, and keep the game going.

vor 5 Monaten

How about honing those skills instead of just aiming for the win? Strategy and practice tend to lead to victories more than just wanting it.

vor 5 Monaten

You should first understand the game and the logic behind it... a lot of work you need to do 👨🏽‍💻

It is the same as the road to success, figure it out the logic underlying, deeep dive into it, and you will will naturally.

dont forget to take a good rest 💆

vor 5 Monaten

Man muss natürlich aufhören und wenn's ganz schlimm kommt, nach einer Pause, wieder von vorne anfangen. Ist zwar frustrierend, aber so ist das Spiel.

vor 5 Monaten

I think it's wisest if a player has a cold streak to quit for a while because I know that for many players it would have the opposite effect and they would try to win back what they lost. So for me it's a pretty good solution. 👍

vor 5 Monaten

You should first understand the game and the logic behind it... a lot of work you need to do 👨🏽‍💻

It is the same as the road to success, figure it out the logic underlying, deeep dive into it, and you will will naturally.

dont forget to take a good rest 💆

vor 5 Monaten

That's what strategy do you have ? Quite an intriguing view, so I hope you will do as well as possible with a similar mindset. 😊

vor 5 Monaten


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