AP Research Gambling Survey

vor 3 Monaten von lbpolyapr
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vor 3 Monaten


I am a senior in high school, and I am reaching out to members of this forum in seek of participants in a survey for my AP Research project. My project intends to examine the connection between gambling online and in person to differentiate the effects that users may face as a result of their activity. The survey should only take about 5-10 minutes of your time.

Here is the link: https://forms.gle/wbzAZAfFJdSiHxWYA

I sincerely appreciate everyone contributing to my research. Thank you!

vor 3 Monaten

Hello there. That sounds interesting. We surely like to hear more about it 😉. How many participants do you need for this survey to be somehow effective and in what time period does it run?

vor 3 Monaten

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Umfrage klare und leicht verständliche Informationen über den Zweck und die Erwartungen der Teilnehmer enthält. Versuchen Sie, die Umfrage kurz und prägnant zu halten, um die Teilnehmer nicht zu überfordern. Es ist wahrscheinlicher, dass die Leute mitmachen, wenn es nicht zu lange dauert. Geben Sie für jede Frage klare Anweisungen und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Teilnehmer wissen, wie sie antworten sollen. Versichern Sie den Teilnehmern, dass ihre Antworten anonym sind und dass ihre Privatsphäre respektiert wird. Nutzen Sie verschiedene Kanäle, um Ihren Umfragelink zu verbreiten und unterschiedliche Personengruppen zu erreichen.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 2 Monaten

My goal is to secure a minimum of 50 participants for my study by the end of this week, but I can take in responses for the next month. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in promoting and facilitating the survey outreach. It has been pretty difficult to find people to take it so far. Thank you. 🙂

vor 2 Monaten

My project intends to examine the connection between gambling online versus in-person to differentiate the effects that users may face as a result of their activity. This is meant to mitigate the consequences users may face due to their interactions and help the gambling community as a whole. 

vor 2 Monaten

I wish we could help you out, but with our social profiles frenzied, I see not many chances to address audiences.

At least I will pin this thread up to the most visible part in this category. 🤔

Well, best of luck meeting the minimum number of participants! 🤞🤞

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