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Office of the Official Receiver

vor 1 Jahr von Cappsie
2.625 Ansichten 6 Antworten |
vor 1 Jahr


Long shot but ... does anyone have any experience with the Office of the Official Receiver in Malta? If so, can they comment on how long the Receiver took to resolve a company's insolvency and settle outstanding winnings?



vor 1 Jahr

Hi, since I'm not familiar with this issue, I could definitely use some help from other players who have had experience. 

But have you tried to find something on the internet about this topic ? Or search for an official address and ask if they can enter into such a process ? 

That's what I could think of, I don't know how much more I could help. 

vor 1 Jahr

The email I received ran to the tone of:

Genesis Global Limited is undergoing liquidation proceedings and the MGA is liaising with the Office of the Official Receiver to facilitate the return of all outstanding funds. `However, this could take a while since a procedure needs to be followed.

MGA understands customers may have concerns regarding the status of their funds, but the MGA is closely monitoring the situation and doing its utmost to ensure all outstanding funds are returned to the players as soon as possible.

Hence my question.



vor 1 Jahr

I clearly understand now that you are asking on the basis of this email. From what I can see, it is not clear whether it can comment on how long it will take. There is no mention of a timeframe, except that it may take some time. 

So it will obviously be necessary to be patient.

vor 1 Jahr

Yes. I understand the email. And I understand no timeframe was given.

I didn’t want/need you to interpret the email for me, I wanted to know if anyone else was able to offer their personal experiences.

Hence why I was asking if anyone else had any experience with the Office of the Official Receiver in Malta and could give a steer on the likely timeframe.


Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Jahr
vor 1 Jahr

Hallo, ich habe immer auf Casinos verzichtet, keine AMMs, aber ich habe sie aufgegeben, ich habe bei bookofcasino gespielt, ich habe rund 500 eingezahlt, ich habe regelmäßig einen Bonus eingelöst, ich habe 20 E-Mails verschickt, 20-fache Dokumente, ich habe eine Auszahlung von 750

Euro liegen seit Sonntagabend in der Schwebe. Die gefälschten Chats sagen immer das Gleiche. Ich kann das Casino nicht direkt kontaktieren

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 1 Jahr


It depends on where the casino is located as it must abide by that country's laws.

I wasn't able to access the site, but here are a some contact addresses I found:

  • support@bookofcasino.net
  • support@bookofcasino1.net
  • https://affiliates.bookofcasino.net/contact.asp
  • https://www.facebook.com/IncomeAccess
  • https://twitter.com/incomeaccess
  • http://www.linkedin.com/company/income-access

(There is no live chat.)

Interestingly, all the links point to the same company, "Income Access, A Paysafe Company".

Hope that helps?


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