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Why do losers hate winners.

 von Kareva7
1.901 Ansichten 1 Antwort |

Why do losers in gambling can not accept the few winners in any sector of gambling.

They can not win. criticize others when winning, try to make them fail but do not succeed themselves.

Systems have been posted that can not be broken into loss but losing gamblers still can never accept they have failed in life and gambling and leave winning to the few winners.

If you can not win then stop. stop losing and do something you can make money and be happy in life. Not a sore loser. Casinos an be broken by the few, not the many erratic gamblers who can not stop when in profit and walk away a winner.

Moderators will always endorse sensible gambling, not gambling till no funds are left to gamble away. So think as a profit taker not as a lottery winner.


Hi, I think you are talking about a thread where you've exchanged views on roulette with other players. I'm of the opinion that if you have a system and someone tries it and refutes or invalidates it, they probably do so based on that experience. A forum is for exchanging opinions and they don't always have to agree. 

However, if you feel that someone is not going to indulge because they are just losing you don't have to engage in such conversations or rather get out of them. Everyone has their own mind and if you are convinced of something you don't have to convince others of it. 

Of course, I agree that you should gamble carefully and certainly only with what you can afford to lose and not until you have lost all your money.  

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