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Fresh news on CasinoGuru (Seite 2)

vor 4 Jahren von Daniel
28.870 Ansichten 26 Antworten |
1 2
vor 2 Jahren

I'm just letting you know that we just introduced a new forum feature that will allow you to follow and track all new posts in threads that you're interested in. You can find the new button in every thread.


You can track all the followed threads on the forum home page. Once you start following any thread, a new tab will appear on the forum homepage (only for registered users). You currently automatically follow any there where you add a post/reply, but this will be changed very soon.

We'll give you an option to follow automatically only threads that you created / any threads where you added a post / no threads.

I'd also like to highlight that you'll receive forum web notifications and e-mail notification about your followed threads, but if it's too disturbing for you, you can always change the settings in your forum Profile - E-mail settings.

By the way, you can unfollow any thread right from the forum homepage by clicking on this button:


vor 2 Jahren

I'd like to inform you about the recent update we made on the forum. You're now able to setup your FOLLOWED THREADS preferences and basically set the threads you want to see on the main forum homepage after you log in. There are 3 options:

You automatically follow every thread where you add a post

You automatically follow only threads that you created

You don't follow any threads automatically and you need to start following them manually.

This settings can be found in My Profile - E-mail settings tab. I believe this should help you to follow everything you find interesting and make sure you don't miss any new posts in these threads. You can also setup different web notifications for followed threads and even e-mail notifications (you can receive an e-mail whenever someone reacts in a thread that you follow). It's also necessary to say that no matter which threads you follow automatically, you can always unfollow any thread that you don't find to be interesting anymore.


vor 2 Jahren

The update is very nice actually.👍

vor 2 Jahren

It is beautiful.

vor 1 Jahr

Did you know that you can sort forum threads by Most views, Most replies and by the Newest post?

You can find this new function in every forum category. It's just a small improvement, but it will definitely help you to know what's trending and what the most popular threads are on the forum 🙂


Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Jahr
vor 1 Jahr

I'd like to introduce you a new feature on the forum: The winning screenshots

Feel free to showcase your winnings 🙂 Adding winning screenshots also adds 2 points into the ranking system since it's another type of activity you can do on our website. You can easily add the screenshots from the homepage or in this thread using the special button and form designed for that purpose.

The winning screenshots feature will also enable us to prepare other types of competitions for the community so stay tuned. We're already working on something really cool 🙂


Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 1 Jahr
vor 1 Jahr

HEY! Interested!

1 2

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