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List of lawyers in Curaçao

 von Tamera
1.538 Ansichten 15 Antworten |


A lot of people need a lawyer to have they money (wins, money back or other conflicts with the casino).

All licence are not responding..

I would like to dress a list of lawyers that can help us.

If you have any lawyers contact that is working on casino's case, please share it here !!



Das ist eine tolle Idee.

Das wollte ich fragen.

Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, was passieren würde, wenn ich einen großen Gewinn hätte und sie mich nicht auszahlen würden.

An wen sollte ich mich wenden?!? In Serbien habe ich noch nie von einem Anwalt gehört, der einen solchen Fall übernehmen würde.

Dabei handelt es sich vermutlich um speziell ausgebildete Juristen.

Es gehört zur Kategorie der Hochtechnologiekriminalität.

Automatische Übersetzung

Loved idea 💡 I need to ask first and I can share you contact of my friend


A lot of people don't know how to do, I'm collecting data and will provide all help needed for people to have a resolution


Ich hatte noch nie ein Problem mit Casino-Auszahlungen. Ich spiele seit 2020 regelmäßig online. Meine Zahlung war noch nie auch nur einen Tag zu spät.

Ich spiele aber in einem Casino, das nicht nur online existiert, sondern auch eine eigene Einrichtung vor Ort hat. Steht die Zahlung aus, gehe ich in die Räumlichkeiten und hebe das Geld ab.

Es kann jedoch immer noch zu Streitigkeiten kommen, deshalb würde ich gerne wissen, an wen ich mich wenden kann. Wo sind Ihre Anwälte?

Gibt es in solchen Online-Fällen ein spezielles Verfahren?

Automatische Übersetzung


A lot of people need a lawyer to have they money (wins, money back or other conflicts with the casino).

All licence are not responding..

I would like to dress a list of lawyers that can help us.

If you have any lawyers contact that is working on casino's case, please share it here !!


It is really nice to help each other, for sure.

I just hope that it will not turn as a kind of advertisement here, because unfortunately we would not allow posts like that to be published.

Wishing you all the best with your research, tough.



I'm not promoting anything, as I couldn't have a refund from the casino and as I have solid argument and evidence I need to push back in legal way as they are ignoring all my demand (antillephone and Gaming board never replied...)

Im out of resource


Hi there! It's me, do you remember? 🙂 It's great you're still with us here on the forum.

You know, we might get a little more defensive because people who pose as legal aid providers occasionally target the forum. But in highly dubious circumstances. Some are merely "brokers".

Please do not take that personally, as this is obviously not your situation.

You are welcome to share anything helpful that will benefit you or others. However, I am sorry to hear that things are not going well.


Thanks for your reply Radka, I don't take it personnaly ! I saw people promoting that they can have our money back if we pay some money... so I understand

I have a question for you Radka, if a casino has a glitch for exclusion, and that we have evidence on it, can we have help on it ? Thanks


You saw that too?

This is exactly what I was referring to. 🙁

Well, to your question - What kid of glitch do you have in mind, please? Sort of technical issues affecting the account closure, for example?

To be perfectly honest, I believe it depends on the current situation and the outcome of the glitch. Don't hesitate to submit the complaint, even if you are not certain. Ultimately, it is free, and the worst case scenario still only involves the potential for rejection. I think it's worth trying.

You saw that too?

This is exactly what I was referring to. 🙁

Well, to your question - What kid of glitch do you have in mind, please? Sort of technical issues affecting the account closure, for example?

To be perfectly honest, I believe it depends on the current situation and the outcome of the glitch. Don't hesitate to submit the complaint, even if you are not certain. Ultimately, it is free, and the worst case scenario still only involves the potential for rejection. I think it's worth trying.

Yes I've seen and its sadly a big scam in order to make money on desperate people..

About my glitch I've been trying for week to self exclude at this money and couldn't because when I was clicking an error page was showing. I record a video for evidence, but when I've opened my case here I think it wasn't handle properly... So I didn't understand why that kind of evidence showing that the casino blocked me from exclusion my case was refused...


I thik I do not properly understand the description. May I kow where did you try to self-exclude - at which casino?

If you need to close the account immediately because of gambling problems, I would anticipate asking the chat operator or support for assistance.Waiting more that week to see whether the button will work eventually sounds like an avoidable delay to me.

Is it related to a concrete complaint, perhaps? I'll take a look if you want. Allthough I do not have access to the internal communication between players and the mediators; hence, I doubt I will be much of a help to you under these circumstances.

Jetzt werden sie mich wieder kritisieren, aber ich muss es sagen.

Von welchem Selbstausschluss sprichst du?!

Es handelt sich lediglich um eine Formalität, die jedes Casino in seinem Angebot haben muss.

Jeder Spieler, der spielsüchtig ist, wird immer einen Weg finden, zu spielen. Wenn ein Konto in einem Casino automatisch gesperrt wird, ist dies nur ein verzweifelter Versuch dieses Spielers, vor sich selbst zu fliehen.

In 2 bis 3 Tagen wird er ein Konto bei einem anderen Casino eröffnen und erneut Geld verlieren.

Wenn er sich in allen Casinos selbst ausschließt, wird er in ein landbasiertes Casino gehen und erneut Geld verlieren.

Selbstausschluss ist keine Heilung.

Wenn Sie süchtig und verzweifelt sind, besuchen Sie eine Reha-Klinik

Aber denken Sie daran:

Der Schlüssel zur Selbstkontrolle liegt im Kopf

Selbstausschluss - xaxaxaxa, ich habe noch nie etwas Lustigeres gehört

Automatische Übersetzung

I have not seen anyone say that self-exclusion is a cure. I personally doubt there is a cure for complusive gambling. It is a lifelong fight, and I admire anyone who is capable of figting instead of just judging others.

So, to make your statement a bit more bearable, the self-exclusion is a tool to help problem gamblers overcome the worst episodes, for instance. Do you really believe this post was required the way you say it, even though you might be somehow quite right?

Again, it was not.

I hope you never experience an uncontrollable impulse to do something that intensively ruins the quality of your life.


Its related to stake, and I've told them on chat many times that I was desperate, and chasing my loss, and made it an obession to have my loss back. They told me to self exclude, but the button redirected me to an error page, so after many attempt, I've filmed the process to show that it doesn't work, and lost a lot of money.

They never care and did something by closing my account when I've complained online...

For record I was able to have another account and closed it. And even after that I've tried to open an account (with same data : name, adress, DOB.....) and I was able to do it...



I think I have a much better understanding of the situation. Thank you.

Let me briefly recap: the casino should act promptly and without needless delay if a player requests self-exclusion because of gambling problems. In other words, if a button fails to function, the player must also notify the casino that the feature is broken, so the casino must deal with it manually in order to avoid any delays.

Furthermore, a lot of cryptocurrency-focused casinos offer "quick" registration; imagine that the only match their system can track is an email. Therefore, a casino of that kind cannot prevent compulsive players from opening new accounts. This is why vulnerable players should be very wary of crypto-focused or anonymous casinos.

Naturally, you are welcome to file a complaint, but the outcome will undoubtedly rely on the particulars of the incident, the time periods, and the exchanges between you and the casino. I am not avoiding direct guessing; rather, I have discovered from my experiences that, particularly in cases where self-exclusion is involved, it is preferable to adhere to all pertinent information supplied and supported by the complaint rather than speculating based on forum discussions.

Do you think the casino support was not efficient enough? I believe you do.

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