ForumAllgemeine DiskussionHey everyone, how was your weekend ?

Hey everyone, how was your weekend ?

vor 2 Jahren von Rocanda
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vor 2 Jahren

So I've been busy these past few days , just wanted to ask if anything exciting happened while I was away ?

vor 2 Jahren

Hello, good you decided to check on us here 🙂.

My weekend was extremely exhausting. Little sleep and too many things to be done. Plus my friend's lady dog gave birth to 8 little beauties on Saturday evening - well, it took 6 hours.

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vor 2 Jahren

Hey, hoffe sie sind alle Gesund 🤗

vor 2 Jahren

They are - thank you for caring 🙂 But need to be fed every 3 hours and also every single one must be measured before and after the feeding. The first week is very time-consuming. 😀

vor 2 Jahren

Awe that's so exciting , I'm so happy for ya , it can be a handful at times but it's so worth it in the end , after all dog is man's best friend

vor 2 Jahren

You're absolutely right. I must admit here that I'm more into cats, but for a few moments, I was almost convinced it would be such a good idea to have one at home as a new companion. 😀

Anyway, how was your weekend?

vor 2 Jahren

I guarantee you would not be sorry , the are beautiful creatures 😍 you would suprise how loyal they can be

vor 2 Jahren

Thank you for the recommendation 😀.

I'm currently in the middle (well at the beginning) of moving to a new flat, so my thoughts are limited to very mundane topics right now. But after I settle down - who knows. 🙂

vor 2 Jahren


vor 2 Jahren

Hello, how was your weekend 😀

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