HomeForumAllgemeine DiskussionNever share your password with a third party!

Never share your password with a third party! (Seite 2)

 von Daniel
36.509 Ansichten 89 Antworten |
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wenn ich wollte geld auszahlen und fragt das ich Nummer von meine Bank Konto an email Adresse schicken und habe ich das gemacht aber niemanden hilft mir und zurück schreibst auch nicht

kann jemand Hilfen


We surely will try to help you out. Please let me start with the name of the casino where you have experienced this. Could you provide it, please, along with some more information as well?

Are you able to log in to your account? When was the last time you spoke to support, please?


Meine name in koto heißt Javid10

ich hab Zeit drei Tage email geschrieben und sagt nur danke schon

helft nicht

ich hab heute noch email geschrieben wie immer leider Antwort nicht


Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I meant was the name of the casino where you play and experience the issue. Which casino is it, please? Does the situation remain the same?

Hi, could you please tell me in which casino you have this problem ?

As for the verification itself, we give casinos exactly 14 days to resolve it and if they fail to do so, I would recommend opening a complaint on this link. ⬅️

Nevertheless, what reason does the casino give you for not verifying your documents ? Have any been accepted ? 

Please let me know.


Automatische Übersetzung

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I've never been asked and I believe that this casino.website guide is a lot of g


I found a nice game and ended up winning R21000,00 but cannot get my winnings out it is always an excuse. First I must use my credit card account for EFT, then my cheque account, then EFT has a technical issue and I must use electronic wallets, then I can’t use Bitcoin as I never used it to make the deposit. I’ve been trying for days but it has been rejected 21 times! Don’t play on this platform!!!

I've never been asked and I believe that this casino.website guide is a lot of g


You mean no one has ever asked you for your password ? That's good, at least you know the casino isn't dishonest. 

Also, I see you're writing help, do you need a hand with anything ? 

I found a nice game and ended up winning R21000,00 but cannot get my winnings out it is always an excuse. First I must use my credit card account for EFT, then my cheque account, then EFT has a technical issue and I must use electronic wallets, then I can’t use Bitcoin as I never used it to make the deposit. I’ve been trying for days but it has been rejected 21 times! Don’t play on this platform!!!

Hello, could you tell me what platform are we talking about where you are trying to withdraw money ? I believe it's not nice if your withdrawal has been rejected several times and there is always something different behind it even if you used an alternative. How long have you been trying to withdraw ? Is there anything that the casino has recommended to you to prevent your withdrawal from being rejected again ?

Hallo, sehr gut. Neulich haben ein Familienmitglied und ich mit ihrer Kreditkarte Geld auf mein Mystake-Konto eingezahlt, ungefähr 30 Euro. Wir haben 480 Euro verdient und als es Zeit war, abzuheben, baten sie mich, meine Kreditkarte zu verifizieren, da ich sie nicht physisch hatte, also schickte ich den Kontoauszug. mit allen Einzahlungen, die mit dieser Karte im Casino getätigt wurden. Sie antworteten mir, dass sie es nicht über einen Scanner verifizieren könnten (da meine Bank mir das Dokument nur physisch ausgehändigt hat). Sie baten mich, einen Kontoauszug zu senden, auf dem alle getätigten Einzahlungen zu sehen sind. Ich schickte ihn, worauf ich keine Antwort erhielt. Als ich schließlich keine Antwort erhielt, kontaktierte ich die Bank, um zu sehen, ob es eine Möglichkeit gab, den Kartenauszug im PDF-Format zu erhalten, und ich schickte ihn erneut, ohne eine Antwort zu erhalten.

Automatische Übersetzung

Hello there. May I first ask at which casino did you experience all this, please?

Also, what family member do you mean? Have you got some joint account with this person, perhaps? I am asking because usually it is not allowed to use another card except the one which is in your name. There might be some exceptions when it comes to joint accounts only.

When exactly did the verification process start, please?








It's bullshit..

This is what they ask for! When you try to get your winnings...

Hello Peter,

Thank you for playing with us!

We are contacting you regarding your latest withdrawal request. Please be informed it failed ad your card does not accept withdrawals. For this reason, you will need to request it again through Bank Transfer.

To complete the verification process, we still need the following documents:


Always send us both sides of the document.

We accept:

• ID card

• Passport

Make sure it isn’t expired and that we can see the full text and all four corners of the document.

Please note that we need a photo in colour, we do not approve scanned documents.

Proof of Address: Make sure that the document is not older than 3 months with the date of issuing clearly stated and all four corners of the document are visible.

Documents we approve:

• Utility bill (gas, water or landline/broadband)

• Bank document (a statement or another letter sent to you)

• Government-issued document

Credit card: **6321 

Please submit a clear photograph of both the front and back of the credit card under your name. Ensure that only the first 6 and last 4 digits are visible, following the truncated format: 1234 56XX XXXX 6789 on the front, with the same coverage on the back. Do not obscure the expiry date or the CVC code (3 digits). Additionally, the card must bear a visible signature for validation purposes.

Bank account: 

We need a PDF file of bank statement XXXXXX from your online bank. We need and see full name, bank logo, IBAN and BIC / SWIFT. This can be found by logging in to its online bank.

Once requested again we will process your funds as soon as possible.

Don't hesitate to contact us if there is anything else we can do for you. We are happy to help you!

Have a good day! 



Hi, what casino are we talking about here ? I have read the whole post but I have a feeling that it is the normal documents that a player provides to the casino to verify themselves. What's wrong with that ? 🤔



I paid with card and they say on their website that they will transfer the money back to my account.. now they want me to send them so much information about my self and my credit card.. i will not!

I am going to contact the police

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