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Ask the Casino Guru team (Seite 6)

 von Daniel
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Hey Radka,

Sobald ich mit dem Handy bei mir im WLAN bin bekomme ich die selbe Meldung. Es scheint als an meinem Internet Zugang Zuhause zu liegen und nicht am PC.

Hast du noch eine Idee ? Komischerweise nur eure Website ist betroffen alle anderen Seiten kann ich aufrufen


Well, if your wifi uses the same IP as your PC - which should be normal - it still could be caused by the unintentionally blocked IP on our end. I mean the router possibly uses the same IP for both devices. Can you restart your router to gain a new IP? My router, for instance, gets me new IP every time it's reset, or the power turns down.

I'm still missing the email containing your IP address and I fear we will not get much further without it.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Okay, habe dir die E-Mail jetzt geschickt.

Ich hoffe wir können das Problem lösen ich würde mich sehr freuen


Hallo Radka,

Es funktioniert wieder. Ich komme mit dem Computer wieder auf die Website.

Hab ich das dir zu verdanken ? Vieeeelen Dank 🙂


Hello Tobias - finally a piece of good news! 😀

I checked your IP - thanks for the email - with our IT guys, and they fixed that. It was as I guessed, your IP was banned during the last structural hack attack sadly it happens.

I'm sorry for your troubles - welcome back! 💚😎🤗!


Hallo Radka ,

Das Problem ist schon wieder da. Fehler "403" und ich kann die Website nicht öffnen.

Ist meine IP wieder gesperrt ?


Probably, we're still experiencing those DDOS attacks.

Let me check that out. Do you still use the same IP address, please? 🤔

Send the email again, I need to be sure to find the proper IP.

Thank you! 🙏

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser

Hallo Radka ,

Ich habe dir die E-Mail soeben geschickt.

Vielen Dank 😊


Hello 🙂

Solved I hope!!


Hallo Radka,

ja ich kann wieder mit dem Computer auf die Website 🙂

Du hilfst mir immer so schnell und gut ich danke dir vielmals ! 🙂


Hello Tobias137!

Welcome back! 🙂 Glad you're here again ✨

Maybe you should start using the VPN just to avoid case another attack will block your IP again.

You can always set it to Germany, no need to change the country - it's meant for the security only.


I believe you received at least one explanation - usually provided by email.

I can completely anonymize your account, it also means all your posts here will seem as written by an anonymous player.

Is that acceptable for you?


Yes - I would. As I've been told by the Complaint Team and also as I believe you've been notified, we do not deal with issues older than a year.

This is the reason, I'm afraid.

Can you please specify your request concerning your profile? I might not be precise, the anonymization means your profile will be deleted + my previous info.

Thanks for the confirmation. I'm working on it now.

Stay well!

Guten Abend, Casino Guru-Team! Lassen Sie mich wissen, ob ich ein Thema zu meinem Projekt erstellen kann.

Ich biete Beratungsleistungen für Glücksspiel- und Wettprojekte an.

Ich helfe dabei, die besten Zahlungslösungen für die aktuelle Anfrage des Unternehmens zu finden.

Wir testen, erweitern Möglichkeiten und verbessern Bedingungen für Casinos und Spieler.

Automatische Übersetzung


I appreciate you're asking for permission. 🙂

In this case, I believe it would be more efficient to post elsewhere, on some affiliate forums instead. I bet these are more business-oriented. I mean, we are not a casino plus our community is focused on players, rather on casino representatives or people from the industry.

As far as I understand your field of expertise, you could use a different audience - what do you think?🤔


Ich denke, Sie als Spezialist für soziale Netzwerke verstehen, wie wichtig die Präsenz eines Unternehmens auf verschiedenen Ressourcen ist, insbesondere wenn diese sich mit demselben Thema befassen.

Auch wenn es nicht zu geschäftlichen Zwecken, sondern zu Informations- und Marketingzwecken dient.

Es ist wichtig für mich. Ich möchte auch hilfreich sein.

Es gibt solche Themen im Abschnitt - forum/obshie-temy, ich könnte ein Beispiel in privaten Nachrichten senden, aber sie sind deaktiviert.

Beste grüße

Automatische Übersetzung

As an admin, I also see such a topic as an advertisement with no value for the forum users/players - as was already explained.

Could you kindly accept that?

I don't need any examples (this forum does not support DM or PM), though. Please do not advertise here, and reflect adequately on my kind explanation - this is not the proper forum.


"3.6. Any abusive activities or behavior, including posting of the same message to more than one forum thread or topic section, spamming, flooding, using chain letters, pyramid schemes and solicitation, posting promotions, advertisements, marketing materials, or bonuses, or sending mass private messages or emails are strictly prohibited.

3.7. We reserve the right to remove or edit any User generated content, including but not limited to posts, links, and promotional information posted to the forum that we consider to be added by gambling-related websites, casinos, or their affiliated parties for promotional or link building purposes at our sole discretion."

I hope we have an understanding now.

Would like to get ahold of Jozef in regards of the payment from multiple tasks that I've completed.

Sent him emails about it. Please let him know I was asking!



Hello there, I already did that. 🙏

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