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Your favourite movie? (Seite 2)

 von Daniel
12.293 Ansichten 32 Antworten |
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Independence Day. The first one. I am really amazed by how that movie was done. For the time of its release, the movie actually had great graphics. Also, the story is great and the way it was executed is also nice. That was also where I first watched Will Smith before I became a fan. He did such a great job there. Amazingly, they were also able to deliver a promising sequel to that. It was really amazing how they did it with a different approach that didn't look like it was just forced to be a sequel of the first one.

Independence Day. The first one. I am really amazed by how that movie was done. For the time of its release, the movie actually had great graphics. Also, the story is great and the way it was executed is also nice. That was also where I first watched Will Smith before I became a fan. He did such a great job there. Amazingly, they were also able to deliver a promising sequel to that. It was really amazing how they did it with a different approach that didn't look like it was just forced to be a sequel of the first one.

I love the first one, I just watched the second one last night, it looks like were gonna get a third and final installment in the series perhaps? lol in general I love sci fi movies and starwars has gotta be on the top tier of it, I also love the lord of the rings franchise, harry potter and a bunch of classic movies like back to the future and the breakfast club..

deadpool - der beste Superheldenfilm - ist lustig, es gibt Actionszenen, auch Liebesgeschichten, es gibt zwei Teile, beide unglaublich.

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My girlfriend loves superhero movies - mainly Marvel's and I hate it. The only one I really liked was Dr Strange.

Hm, released in 2000...I'd say I haven't seen that one. I generally don't like old movies. There are few exceptions like Shawshank Redemption or Forest Gump, but I generally don't watch old movies.

It really aged well. It has Guy Pearce (whom you liked in Brimestone) starring in the main role, and is directed by Nolan (Interstellar/Inception/TheDarkKnight). Unique, something you'll want to watch a second time for sure, don't go into this one tired.

One of my favorite is Inglourious Basterds (2009), so many memorable scenes, Christoph Waltz is great.

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Und was in aller Welt liest sonst niemand? Ich würde gerne wissen, wer was in letzter Zeit gelesen hat. Kennst du Weltklassiker? Oder ist es nicht in Mode, jetzt zu lesen?

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Leider ziehen es die Leute heutzutage vor, einen Slot mit kostenlosen Chips zu drehen, um einen gespenstischen Gewinn zu erzielen, als Zeit damit zu verbringen, ein gutes Buch zu lesen. Und vergebens beschreibt beispielsweise Jack London in einer seiner Geschichten die Strategie des Roulettes. Sein Held nutzt es erfolgreich und verkauft es dann. Eine sehr lehrreiche Geschichte. Das Thema ist noch aktuell.

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Auszug mit Chris Hemsworth, Actionfilm mit guter Geschichte, schönen Effekten und Szenen. 🙂

Automatische Übersetzung
Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth, action movie with good story, nice effects and scenes

Yes, the film is very good. Looked at the weekend and were delighted


I'll probably give it a go this weekend 🙂

Ich habe auch "Extraction" gesehen und ich denke, es ist ein wirklich großartiger Actionfilm. Ich liebe die Geschichte und wie man die Szene macht. Es war eine wirklich wundervolle Arbeit. Chris Hemsworth hat auch gute Arbeit geleistet. Es war schön zu sehen, dass er nicht Thors Anzug trug. Wie auch immer, wenn Sie gerne actiongeladene Filme sehen, empfehle ich Kingsman. Sowohl 1 als auch 2. Dies sind meine Lieblingsfilme. Im Moment kann es wirklich blutig sein, aber es ist wirklich großartig.

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Christopher Nolans latest 'Tenet'. Like with'Inception' I discover something new every time I watch it.


Tenet? It's 150 min. long and that's probably the main reason why I can't persuade myself to watch it 😀

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