kaczka381s Rezensionen

Casino Guru

Wir wollen, dass die Spieler das Glückspiel verstehen.

vor 2 JahrenOriginalÜbersetzung
Nachdem ich 20 $ eingezahlt und 60 $ gewonnen hatte, blockierte das Casino zuerst meine Auszahlung, bat dann um ein Video-Selfie, als ich es tat, blockierte das Casino meine Auszahlung erneut ... Ich verstehe dieses Verhalten des Casinos überhaupt nicht ... To Für mich ist es inakzeptabel, zumal ich auf keinen Fall gegen die Regeln verstoßen habe ... Seien Sie vorsichtig mit dem Casino
  • Schlechter Umgang mit Kunden
  • Erniedrigende Bestätigung in Form eines Video-Selfies
  • Blockieren selbst niedriger Auszahlungen
Automatische Übersetzung
IZZI Casino
vor 2 Jahren
Nice to meet you, Kaczka381! According to our terms and conditions, point 8.24: "The Company reserves the right to require primary and secondary account verification at any time and to use additional tools and procedures for verification, if necessary. In order to verify your user account, the administration has the right to ask you to provide an ID document (including, but not limited to, a copy of your passport/ID card/any payment card used, recent public utility charge statement in your name or any other document confirming your identity). In addition, the Company reserves the right to ask you to confirm your identity via a video call or by sending your documents by mail. If these requirements are not fulfilled, the Company has the right to temporarily deactivate your user account until the requirements are fulfilled and/or close the account. If the information you provided is found to be inaccurate, the Company reserves the right to block your account and cancel withdrawals". Also, according to the point 10.4 Sport platform, The IZZI Sportsbook platform has the right to limit the ability to withdraw funds for up to 31 calendar days in order to verify an account for signs of unfair play. The methods and results of verification of gaming activity are confidential.
Please, be patient, after the check will be ended you'll get the funds, we just want to be sure that there're no fraudulent actions from your side.

Izzi Casino!
vor 2 JahrenOriginalÜbersetzung
I deposited funds with them two weeks ago, they did not reach their account ... I wrote over 20 messages to them and none of them responded ... bypassing the casino with a wide gap
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