eybersgerhard1s Rezensionen

Casino Guru

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vor 2 JahrenOriginalÜbersetzung
I decided to register an account with Genesis casino on 3 may 2022. I deposited 150 zar and won 2300 zar. They needed my bank details and I sent it over and over and over again. Then they said as per t&c i used my wifes bank account. Of course as i told them so. Same bank details to withdraw. I dont have a bank account and my salary is paid into her account. I have full consent to use the account. Genesis Casino required 3rd party documents and consent that i can use the account plus id document and bank statements. After long waiting and fighting they send a confirmation mail that i am verified at the casino. I have all the email corrospondence. Then today they send a mail that i am in breach of their t&c and forfeit my winning. I was treated like a criminal on their live chat i have the transcripts and after many comms and time wasting with their requirements i loose my deposit and winnings. I went through their t&c and it is not clear anywhere that i ant use my wifes account. In the t&c it state the same method you deposit same method withdraw same bank account deposit and withdraw. You wait very long for their live chats sometimes 20 min. I was seriously treated like a criminal and i am honest and also registered with other casinos that do not have these excuses. I am concerbed as they were already fined in the past fir misconducy after research by me on the internet and see the current complaint list i will do anything in my power to warn south africans against genesis casino. I was never ever rejected from any casino withdrawal before. They are scamsters and i need to warn the public. They stole my R150 zar. They were fined R3.8 million pounds for irregularities. They need to be blacklisted in SA.
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