HomeForumVerantwortungsvolles SpielenQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (Seite 89)

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vor 9 Monaten
Post von Refundnow wurde gelöscht durch Radka
Gründe: Werbung
vor 9 Monaten

Dann könnte es irgendwie wieder losgehen🤣

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 9 Monaten

Basically admitting on here to gambling but then claiming to not receive goods is an illegal offence. They are saying that we are capitalising on both playing with the funds and then getting money back. Also by us getting other people involved it makes it more serious as it’s a fraudulent scheme.

this is what they are telling me. I perfectly understand people wanting to keep their posts on here but it’s not worth it for me to do so receiving the threat.

vor 9 Monaten

Hello everyone,

I wanted to address the recent post claiming that a user received a legal threat from a individual user and suggesting that we remove our discussions about refund requests. While it’s important to take any potential legal matters seriously, there are a few points that need clarification:

  • Lack of Evidence: The user has not provided any concrete evidence of the legal letter they claim to have received. Without seeing the actual document, it’s difficult to assess the validity of the claim.

  • No Specifics Provided: The post mentions that what we are doing is "actually illegal" but does not specify what exact actions or discussions are considered illegal. For us to take appropriate steps, we need clear information on what legal grounds are being cited.

  • Public Discussions and Consumer Rights: Discussing consumer experiences, including issues with payments and potential refunds, is a crucial aspect of consumer protection and transparency. We have the right to seek advice and share our experiences with these companies, especially if we believe there have been unethical practices.
vor 9 Monaten

I did post the email but it was removed!!!

vor 9 Monaten

Of course they do. People on here are contact Noda to try and get refunds from Santeda!! They shouldn’t be contacting Noda.

Post von Refundnow Verborgen von Radka
Gründe: breaching community policies
vor 9 Monaten

Ja, diejenigen, die dies getan haben, werden wegen Betrugs angeklagt. Ich selbst und die Mehrheit dieses Forums haben im Einklang mit dem Gesetz gehandelt und angekündigt, dass

  1. Das Geld ging an das Casino
  2. Die Manipulation des Händlercodes ermöglichte die Einzahlung. Wäre der Händlercode nicht manipuliert worden, hätte die Transaktion nie stattgefunden.
  3. Manipulation des Händlercodes ist gegen das Gesetz
  4. MCC-Codes sind Teil eines Regulierungssystems, das sicherstellt, dass Zahlungstransaktionen angemessen und ethisch korrekt abgewickelt werden. Die Verwendung des falschen Codes stellt einen Vertragsbruch dar.

1. **Vertragsbruch:** Die Verwendung des falschen MCC-Codes kann zu einem Vertragsbruch mit Ihrem Zahlungsabwickler und Ihren Kreditkartenunternehmen führen, was Geldstrafen oder sogar die Schließung des Kontos zur Folge haben kann.

2. **Strafen:** Kreditkartenunternehmen und Zahlungsabwickler können Händlern, die betrügerisch den falschen MCC-Code verwenden, eine Strafe auferlegen.

3. **Vertrauensverlust:** Die Verwendung des falschen Codes kann das Vertrauen zwischen dem Händler und seinem Zahlungsabwickler untergraben.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass ein Händler seinen MCC-Code nicht selbst ändern sollte, sondern stattdessen mit seinem Zahlungsabwickler und seinen Kreditkartenunternehmen zusammenarbeiten sollte, um sicherzustellen, dass sein Unternehmen richtig klassifiziert wird.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 9 Monaten

So just leave the thread if you are that bothered after receiving scaremongering contact.

You are now attempting to shut down a forum thread that has and is continuing to highlight the illegal/criminal tactics that these organised crime gangs behind these fake/scam websites are using.

I’m not surprised they are trying to get this thread removed as can’t believe it’s taken them so long. Clearly it’s now hitting them financially so they have to do something.

vor 9 Monaten

Iv tried leaving the thread. Iv even asked casino.guru to disable my account. Nothing happens!! I wish you all well but please think carefully about what you are doing

Post von efsfasfasfsfs Verborgen von Radka
Gründe: per player's request
vor 9 Monaten

Casino guru will close down anyone’s account that requests it.

vor 9 Monaten


Post von Refundnow Verborgen von Radka
Gründe: Werbung
vor 9 Monaten

C'mon man... from what I understand, the letter said something like this:

USERS have been trying to manipulate transactions information

The claims made about manipulating transaction information are vague and lack concrete evidence. The letter supposedly states that users are "trying to manipulate transaction information," but there is no detailed explanation or legal citation provided.

Without seeing the specific legal grounds or evidence they are basing their threats on, it’s challenging to take these claims seriously. Legal threats without clear evidence and proper legal context are often tactics to silence consumer complaints.

vor 9 Monaten

Hören Sie bitte auf, den Thread schlecht zu machen. Sie haben jetzt schon 100 Mal etwas gepostet.

Sie sollten wegen Spamming gesperrt werden.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 9 Monaten

Könnten Sie einem von uns hier im Forum diese Dateien privat zusenden, damit wir sehen können, was bei unseren Vorgängen illegal ist.

Automatische Übersetzung
vor 9 Monaten

Morning all

i have removed all of my posts on this forum and suggest you all do to. I have been contacted by a company who’s name appears on this thread a lot who have been reading this thread and what we are doing is actually illegal and they intend on prosecuting anyone who continues to publicly post about these refunds.

I would get this thread closed down if I was casino.guru as it’s harming more people in the long run. The payment processor isn’t messing around and we can all be sued for this.

vor 9 Monaten

Hi, we took the position that every player has freedom of speech and expression and as long as it is not against our rules, there was basically no reason to delete this thread. It will remain that way and from our point of view we basically let the players communicate their problems. 

In addition, to tell you the truth, we have also contacted 2 casinos who have written to us about this thread, but to date we have not heard back from them, so we are still waiting for an update from them. 

We are not in a position to deal with questions about what is legal and illegal, because we are not lawyers, so I would leave this area to the people who handle it. 

Therefore, this is what I would add to it and of course everyone has the opportunity to evaluate whether and what he/she wants to write here.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 9 Monaten
Post von Refundnow Verborgen von Radka
Gründe: Anstößiger Inhalt
Post von Helpfulinfo Verborgen von Radka
Gründe: Beleidigender Sprachgebrauch
vor 9 Monaten

Or you stick to the relevant topic of this thread, instead of trying to scam people.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 9 Monaten
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