Roulette thread (Seite 5)

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Weiß jemand, wie ich Roulette-Strategien automatisieren kann, um verschiedene Systeme zu testen?

Es wäre interessant, verschiedene Strategien zu programmieren, um eine Historie zu erhalten und Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen.


Automatische Übersetzung
vor 9 Monaten

Hello. I am testing my strategies on a service that monitors dozens of online roulette tables in real-time. There, you can customize the notifications you want to receive. I can send you a link to it if needed. Write to me at the email address if you want more information. I won't post the link here to avoid getting a warning from administrators for potential advertising, although I'm just recommending something I've been using myself for over a month.

I posted several screenshots from the mentioned service on this forum in the thread about "Balvinder Sambhi" and his "magic" book to demonstrate to the thread author that the strategy from this book leads to losses. So, this tool is quite useful for testing and continuous play in online roulette.

By the way, regarding the topic I mentioned on this forum about the book: I reached out to the developers of the service with a request to add a new type of notification based on this strategy. And they listened to me! They created a new type of game tracking, and now I receive notifications on when to enter the game and win, like the one in the picture.


The notification is in Russian, it's more convenient for me, but I'll explain. I set criteria for the service to inform me when 2 or more corner sectors on any table do not appear for 50 or more times, and the highest number of non-appearances among them is 60 or greater. Also, the numbers in these corner sectors should not overlap. So, as soon as such a situation occurs, I just need to open the table where this situation happened and win. Before, my criteria were a bit lower, but I adjusted them: I receive fewer notifications (such situations occur less often), but now it takes only up to 10 bets to win on my bets progression.

If needed, I can provide more details in email, but not here. Here I can only post screenshots.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 9 Monaten
vor 9 Monaten

I’m not sure how to explain my original request……. I have developed a strategy that wins a small amount of profit EVERY spin, however for myself to sit there to make a real amount of profit is tedious and lends itself to errors

what I am looking for is a software package to simply place my bets in my absence, is there such a package


vor 9 Monaten

Hello, I think that SunsetGaze described it very well and I would be careful with any use of similar things because it will lead to confiscation of money. I would definitely recommend not to use anything like that so that such problems don't occur. 

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