HomeForumCasinosBitsler Casino - generelle Diskussion

Bitsler Casino - generelle Diskussion (Seite 4)

vor 2 Jahren von Oakport
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vor 1 Woche

This site did to me what it did to others, my money was withdrawn without my knowledge and has not been sent yet. My money was seized under the pretext that I am not activated on the site, knowing that I have activated my account and sent them all the documents and they told me to send the necessary papers and I did everything. My money was seized, more than 1,200,000 DGB, and $2,800 + $500 in bonuses were seized. This is because I made profits on the site. They do not want to send my money and are delaying. It has been with me since March 19, 2024 and until now they have not sent money to me and are delaying my money and recovering it to


vor 1 Woche

Here are some other pictures for your reference.


vor 1 Woche

First of all, let me tell you that I am sorry you have to go through this really long-going issue with this casino.

I have to say, though, that I don't fully understand it.

Have you requested the withdrawal and the casino doesn't want to pay for some reason? Can you tell us what the reason is, please?

We have our dedicated complaint specialists here, and I am sure that we could try to intervene in your case if you wish. You just need to file a complaint here and explain the issue in details.

Also, please know that it is completely free of charge, so there is no need to be worried.

If you need any assistance, let us know.

vor 6 Tagen

You say that and when I submit a review you reject it even though I provide you with all the evidence. How can I submit this complaint to you as you told me in the review and I have all the evidence, screenshots and full deposits. Are you biased towards the casino or what? I am very frustrated and my trust in you was very great. How do you want me to submit a complaint when you reject the review and you yourself are the one who rejected it? Isn't that right? With all my regards to you. Thank you, I await your response

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 6 Tagen
vor 6 Tagen


vor 6 Tagen

You say that and when I submit a review you reject it even though I provide you with all the evidence. How can I submit this complaint to you as you told me in the review and I have all the evidence, screenshots and full deposits. Are you biased towards the casino or what? I am very frustrated and my trust in you was very great. How do you want me to submit a complaint when you reject the review and you yourself are the one who rejected it? Isn't that right? With all my regards to you. Thank you, I await your response

vor 5 Tagen

I'm sorry, my mistake is that I haven't checked well the fact that you have tried already to submit a complaint with our team, but unfortunately it was rejected.

As I can see, your user review had to be rejected because of the complaint but also because you had already submitted the same user review from your other account. Am I right here?

Please know that only one user review can a player submit for the same casino, and even when you open another account on our website, our system will detect it.

So, after all this is said, I can see above that also the casino representative has pointed out you had already opened a case with our complaint team here, which was unfortunately rejected due to your unresponsiveness.

Is that right?

If you feel that you have all the evidence, as you said, try to reopen the case so our team can have a better look at it.

Or maybe the casino representative will be able to explain the whole thing here as well.

vor 6 Tagen


vor 5 Tagen

Hello. Thank you so much for posting the link here.

It was actually my mistake that I hadn't checked that well to find out that this player had already submitted a complaint.

May I ask you, please, if you can say something to us about this case, if possible?

Thank you in advance.

vor 5 Tagen

This site is the one who asked me not to respond to your messages and that it will solve the problem in the previous complaint.

I sent you and said that in my previous messages to you via email.

But after my complaint stopped here and after I stopped responding to you and after all that, he refused to send my rights.

And he started to procrastinate and accused me of supporting the killers just because I am a Muslim from the East and the screenshots say that and every day he says tomorrow, tomorrow, next week, next month, every day is an appointment for some of them.

And I have all the arguments for that and sufficient evidence, but he lies and does not tell the truth as usual.

And I will send you a screenshot of him saying that I should not respond to you as a Guru site in the previous complaint.

And this screenshot proves what I say after he responded to you in the previous complaint, he sent me this message and I marked you in red for what he was saying.

And this is what you told you before You always side with casinos and I feel frustrated about that

Review this message and you will know very well the message sent from him at the same time that I complained

On your site, review the dates well and you will know everything and these are the last four messages he sent after my complaint on your site here, look at them well

And I filed the complaint based on your request here to

And now you are saying thank you to him for what are you saying to him, did you complain because he is a thief or because he is a robber

I am very frustrated with what you say and do, I sent you everything with evidence

He denies it because he is the opponent and you are the neutral judge, analyze these messages well

You will know that the bitsler site is a professional thief in this and I am not the only one, there are dozens like that

And their names are with me, I will show a screenshot of all of them

With all my regards to you

file filefilefilefile

vor 5 Tagen

Hi there!

I believe you should try to reopen the case, providing all details and leaving no info unexplained, please.

Just for you to know, this is a public forum but players complaints are investigated privately elsewhere, so you don't have to worry.

Even though I do not understand the matter and am having quite a hard time comprehending the message, reopening is always a good call. You will get an updated response, at least.

Can you locate the reopen button, please? You will need your original account for that.

vor 5 Tagen

The rest of the screenshots look at the dates. The site representative is not telling the truth.

Ask about the IP that withdrew the money. Is this a Middle Eastern IP or what?

He should be asked why the players there were defrauded on this site.


vor 5 Tagen

The rest of the screenshots look at the dates the site representative is not telling the truth

Ask about the IP that withdrew the money, is this a Middle Eastern IP or what?

He should be asked why the players there were defrauded on this site

And more screenshots should be investigated fairly


vor 5 Tagen

The rest of the screenshots look at the dates the site representative is not telling the truth

Ask about the IP that withdrew the money, is this a Middle Eastern IP or what?

He should be asked why the players there were defrauded on this site

And more screenshots should be investigated fairly and in the first screenshot

He tells me and is angry that I complained on your site and he said that I only blame myself as you can see


vor 5 Tagen

I want more There are 550 screenshots from November 2023

The rest of the screenshots look at the dates The site representative is not telling the truth

Ask about the IP that withdrew the money Is this a Middle Eastern IP or what?

He should be asked why the players there were defrauded on this site

And more screenshots The investigation should be done fairly And in the first screenshot

He tells me and is angry that I complained on your site and said that I only blame myself As you can see

Look at the screenshots and deposits All of that was seized by the site and stolen

And the money was confiscated and the account was closed All of that from screenshots after my complaint And because I complained here


vor 5 Tagen

I tried many times on that but the response was until the case was closed and the matter ended on that

Because I did not respond to the previous comments, knowing that I contacted you via email and told you what the site did in communicating with me and you welcomed that in an official email with me

But unfortunately the site did not abide by a single word of what it said and agreed with me on it and procrastinated with me again

In all its appointments and agreements

And hacked my account in the email on the electronic site many times and deleted all the messages, but I knew that he would do something and that he was not trustworthy and I had a copy of every message between us

And because he is not fair and does not know the rights, he did all that with all theft

Yes, as I tell you every letter, he did everything I told you and if you want to open the complaint again

Please accept my complaint here and I have all the evidence for that and I will submit my complaint here through That email and account now

Because as a site that recognizes that I am the owner of the two problems and attaches a link itself that says so if you allow me to do so

I will do so and submit my complaint here and I know that you care as a site of truth and credibility and you will prove that you will not favor one over the other if you accept the complaint here and as you see in the screenshots he told me not to send anything on your site so that he can send my money and if I send you something he will not send my money and he threatened me that if I send you anything in the complaint or you are responded to he will not send my money and he will deny that he sent it and I will not be able to prove anything to him with all impudence he said that as it is clear to you and these are other screenshots look at them

With my best regards to you


vor 4 Tagen

Honestly, I'm not sure whether it is a good idea to submit the very same complaint under a different account. But you are free to try.

I would also like to point out that if you fell victim to a scammer pretending to be casino employees, I can, from my very own experience, say the casino is not responsible for that. The players must adhere to cybersecurity as well as common people have to be vigilant. Sadly, we live in a cybercrime era.

Never ever grant access to any account of yours to anyone else.

Just yesterday I resolved a matter with fake Casino Guru emails spamming our own mailbox.

Bearbeitet durch den Verfasser vor 4 Tagen
vor 4 Tagen

This is simply an attempt by the player to tarnish our reputation through blackmail and extortion. The case has been closed and it was proven to be the work of either the player himself or a scammer. None of the emails in question end with @bitsler.com.

Additionally, the amount claimed has now changed, and the person is now using a new name, making it quite evident that their intentions are malicious.

Bitsler Casino
vor 4 Tagen

You are a fraud and you do not tell the truth and you know that very well

And you were this is not you, why did I get contacted through that email when I complained here on the Guru website and on the same date? If this is a fraud as you say and claim, why did he contact me on the same date and the same day that I filed a complaint against you on the website here? Was he afraid for the reputation of your website or what, man.....

You are not telling the truth and whoever reads these messages and the screenshots mentioned above will know very well that you were the ones who were deceiving and your intentions were not good from the beginning

You are a fraud and you say that I am blackmailing you, no man, I just want my money and I believe that I have attached screenshots that prove the truth of my words that I deposited money here and you seized it, but your words are sent without tangible evidence here to anyone

And if you are not the ones who did this as you say, why did you close my account on the website bitsler.com after my money was seized

And if it was Hacker as you say and you do not tell the truth how he was sending to deposit links from within the site how he was getting them from your site unless he was one of the engineers of this site and from the technical department

To reach the deposit operations for each player and know how and when to deposit money here

All these screenshots are with me you are not telling the truth you seized my money because I made profits within the site and the withdrawal was rejected more than once from you under the pretext of review and the usual word is under implementation

I am here addressing the Guru site because it is a platform I believe you are fair to a large extent

To open my complaint and investigate it or accept my complaint here through this account

And please ask the bitsler.com IP site through which my money was withdrawn will be

They are the ones who did that and I want everyone here to know everyone who has an account on the bitsler.com site

You are not in control of your account or your money and they can seize your money at any moment

And justify everything to you This is what they are talking about, and this is a great danger. With my best regards to the Guru website.

vor 4 Tagen

Hello again, I am not that naive to give someone access to my account and I do not know him. I am a professional and I have a password. No one would do that except the site itself. Who in the whole universe gives anyone an account on the Internet that has money in it? But I assure you that the one who did that is this site bitsler.com. Most of the complaints of the players are that the site seized the money and closed the accounts. On all the complaint platforms, they are all the same about this site bitsler.com. With my best regards to you

vor 4 Tagen

Well, take care. I believe I explained your options. The choice is yours.

I spotted this part in the screenshotted email, though:

"My dear friend, you have the authority to enter my account for next 24 hours as you wish..." Well, not sure what to add.

vor 4 Tagen

Hello again

What are the options you talked to me about please can you tell me please again

And if you noticed this part in the screenshot in the email as you say

You will also notice that I did not send him the password or username here what I say is that he is the administrator of the site there otherwise he did not know

How he entered my account unless it is the site itself bitsler.com or one of the administration

This message condemns the site if you take it into consideration because I did not send him the password or username

I hope the idea reached you and that you accept my complaint here again through that account

Because the site bitsler.com hacked my old email and look at those screenshots as well

With all my regards to you and thank you very much


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